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На израильский рынок выйдет новый Ford Mustang — озвучена стоимость автомобиля


Этот Ford Mustang предлагается в четырех различных комплектациях.

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This Ford Mustang is offered in four different trim levels, each with its own unique features and capabilities. For car enthusiasts and those looking for a thrilling driving experience, the Ford Mustang has been a top choice for decades. With its iconic design and powerful performance, the Mustang has become a symbol of American muscle cars.

The four trim levels available for the Ford Mustang are the EcoBoost, EcoBoost Premium, GT, and GT Premium. Each trim level offers something different, allowing drivers to choose the perfect Mustang for their needs and preferences.

Starting with the EcoBoost trim, this is the most affordable option for the Mustang. It comes equipped with a 2.3-liter EcoBoost engine, producing 310 horsepower and 350 lb-ft of torque. This engine is paired with a 6-speed manual transmission, providing a smooth and responsive driving experience. The EcoBoost trim also features a 4.2-inch LCD display, Ford’s SYNC infotainment system, and a rearview camera.

Moving up to the EcoBoost Premium trim, drivers will get all the features of the EcoBoost trim, plus some additional upgrades. This trim level adds leather-trimmed seats, dual-zone automatic climate control, and an 8-inch touchscreen display with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto integration. The EcoBoost Premium also offers the option to upgrade to a 10-speed automatic transmission for those who prefer an automatic over a manual.

For those seeking even more power and performance, the GT trim is the way to go. It comes equipped with a 5.0-liter V8 engine, producing an impressive 460 horsepower and 420 lb-ft of torque. This engine is paired with a 6-speed manual transmission, providing an exhilarating driving experience. The GT trim also features a larger 12-inch LCD digital instrument cluster, a performance exhaust system, and a limited-slip differential.

Last but certainly not least, the GT Premium trim offers all the features of the GT trim, plus some luxurious upgrades. This trim level adds leather-trimmed seats with heating and cooling capabilities, a 9-speaker sound system, and a voice-activated navigation system. The GT Premium also offers the option to upgrade to a 10-speed automatic transmission.

No matter which trim level you choose, the Ford Mustang offers an impressive driving experience. Its powerful engines, responsive handling, and iconic design make it a top choice for car enthusiasts and everyday drivers alike. And with the four different trim levels, there is a Mustang for every budget and preference.

In addition to its performance and features, the Ford Mustang also offers advanced safety technology. All trim levels come standard with Ford’s Co-Pilot360 suite of safety features, including automatic emergency braking, lane-keeping assist, and blind-spot monitoring. This provides drivers with added peace of mind while on the road.

Overall, the Ford Mustang is a versatile and exciting car, offering four different trim levels to suit a variety of needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking for a more affordable option or want the ultimate performance, the Mustang has you covered. So why not take a test drive and experience the thrill of driving a Ford Mustang for yourself?

The post На израильский рынок выйдет новый Ford Mustang — озвучена стоимость автомобиля appeared first on a007aa.


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