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The observation process could be two distinct ways now

The observation process could be two distinct ways now

After a while there I had racked up 300 kills and had several new feathered hats. Take Net Trapping for example; Set up the net trap, Walk away and conceal, Wait for prey to become caught, Go and collect your grab.

Now lets look at Chompy Hunting; Fill out a swamp toad whith swamp gas and put it as a snare, Walk away and conceal, Wait for Chompy to come and kill it, Pluck the chompy for feathers and chompy meat. As you can see they are almost identical but one does not give hunter xp. What I suggest is that you get exp for Chompy Hunting, maybe something similar to this: (Base thought from Neophyte123) There are 3 types of hats: 1 feather, 3 5 and feathers feathers.

Even though some of the high Hats may seem like a lot of xp, it has taken me several hours to receive my 300 kills. My greatest amount of kills in 1 hour is approximately 60, so it would equate to approximately 30k xp an hour that's substantially slower that Red Chins even with all the highest hat. If you already have hunted chompies until you would go Huntz, the oge who gives you the hats, and he'd provide you a lamp with the xp you've earned inside.

A While Ago I Wrote A Topic About Dyes And It Was Closed For Breaking Rule 5. Well I Am Here To Describe That Issue A Little Further To Show You That It Only"Can" Happen. Ok, We All Know There Are The Different Colors Of Clothing. Well How Can They Get This Way? Colored Dyes Of Coarse. Dyes Like Located In The Goblin Diplomacy Quest. No Longer Do I Suggest That. I Suggest Both A Brand New Quest And Room.

After a while there I had racked up 300 kills and had several new feathered hats. Take Net Trapping for example; Set up the net trap, Walk away OSRS gold and conceal, Wait for prey to become caught, Go and collect your grab.

Now lets look at Chompy Hunting; Fill out a swamp toad whith swamp gas and put it as a snare, Walk away and conceal, Wait for Chompy to come and kill it, Pluck the chompy for feathers and chompy meat. As you can see they are almost identical but one does not give hunter xp. What I suggest is that you get exp for Chompy Hunting, maybe something similar to this: (Base thought from Neophyte123) There are 3 types of hats: 1 feather, 3 5 and feathers feathers.

Even though some of the high Hats may seem like a lot of xp, it has taken me several hours to receive my 300 kills. My greatest amount of kills in 1 hour is approximately 60, so it would equate to approximately 30k xp an hour that's substantially slower that Red Chins even with all the highest hat. If you already have hunted chompies until you would go Huntz, the oge who gives you the hats, and he'd provide you a lamp with the xp you've earned inside.

A While Ago I Wrote A Topic About Dyes And It Was Closed For Breaking Rule 5. Well I Am Here To Describe That Issue A Little Further To Show You That It Only"Can" Happen. Ok, We All Know There Are The Different Colors Of Clothing. Well How Can They Get This Way? Colored Dyes Of Coarse. Dyes Like Located In The Old school rs gold Goblin Diplomacy Quest. No Longer Do I Suggest That. I Suggest Both A Brand New Quest And Room.


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