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Swedish Steel Prize 2019 is now open for entry

Swedish Steel Prize 2019 is now open for entry

Applications are now being accepted for the Swedish Steel Prize 2019, the steel industry’s most prestigious award, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

The Swedish Steel Prize is an award for ideas and products that have an impact on future steel solutions, and it attracts competitors from across the world. It will be awarded on November 14th, 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden as part of the Swedish Steel Prize 2019 event. Applications are now being accepted.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Swedish Steel Prize. Over the past two decades, the award has inspired creative engineers, designers and inventors to utilize the endless potential of steel to change our world for the better.

The Swedish Steel Prize is open to any individual, company or institution and is awarded to the method or product that best displays how the properties of the chosen grade of steel has contributed to a significant innovation.

All entries are assessed by an independent jury. Together they review each entry based on its level of innovation, creativity, sustainability, performance and competitiveness. Out of the box thinking as well as entries addressing the environment, digital solutions and new trends in the economy are especially encouraged.

“The Swedish Steel Prize is a celebration of innovation and good engineering. We are looking for solutions that really push the limits of steel – alone or in a combination with another material – and with a sustainable or digital twist that can help make the world a better place,” explains Eva Petursson, Chair of the Swedish Steel Prize jury and head of SSAB’s research and innovation.

The winner of the Swedish Steel Prize receives a diploma, a statuette by the sculptor Jörg Jeschke and intense media exposure. In conjunction with the Swedish Steel Prize event, SSAB will also make a SEK 100,000 donation to charity.

The prize ceremony takes place at the end of a fascinating and renowned event where participants from across the world meet to learn about new steel technologies, be inspired, network with peers and celebrate innovation.

For the full rules, to read about previous finalists and to apply, competitors can go to www.steelprize.com/apply. All applications must be received before the deadline of August 15th for consideration.

For further information, please contact: 
Eva Petursson, Chair of the Jury, Swedish Steel Prize, eva.petursson@ssab.com
Anna Rutkvist, Project Manager, Swedish Steel Prize, anna.rutkvist@ssab.com

SSAB is a Nordic and US-based steel company. SSAB offers value added products and services developed in close cooperation with its customers to create a stronger, lighter and more sustainable world. SSAB has employees in over 50 countries. SSAB has production facilities in Sweden, Finland and the US. SSAB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and has a secondary listing on Nasdaq Helsinki. www.ssab.com.


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