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The 5 Best Concert Venues in Iowa

The 5 Best Concert Venues in Iowa

Whether you are a local or happen to be touring the state of Iowa, there are tons of interesting places to visit. You could go to the Pappajohn Sculpture Park or the State Capitol Building. Also, the Des Moines Art Center is a nice place where you can see a collection of contemporary art. The music of Iowa is also a source of entertainment for locals and visitors alike. You can often witness music genres such as country, rap, EDM, and rock here. A lot of famous musicians and bands have done gigs here, such as Machine Gun Kelly, Fall Out Boy, Julien-K, and State Champs.

If you are looking for the best concerts in Iowa, this list of the top 5 live venues will surely be of help to you.

1. Wells Fargo Arena - Des Moines, IA

This multi-purpose arena is the primary venue for concerts and sporting events in the Des Moines area. With a seating capacity of more than 16000, you can expect some big shows from this concert. Within the arena, you can find the Fort Restaurant, which offers a nice view of the Iowa State Capitol and the Des Moines River. Some of the most popular artists who have performed here include Drake, Justin Moore, Fall Out Boy, and the Chainsmokers.

Address: 233 Center St, Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: 515-564-8000
Website: http://iowaeventscenter.com/

 2. US Cellular Center - Cedar Rapids, IA

The US Cellular Center is a busy hub for activity in Eastern Iowa that hosts a variety of events such as musical concerts, sporting events, conventions, family shows, rodeos, circuses, and more. The nice organization of this venue lends for a smooth concert experience. Parking is also convenient here. This place has seen performances from artists such as ZZ Top, Bob Dylan, and Styx.

Address: 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone: 319-398-5211
Website: http://www.uscellularcenter.com/

3. Wooly’s - Des Moines, IA

You can witness a wide variety of musical shows in this venue, which caters to local and foreign artists. The bar service is good and the prices are reasonable. The small size lends for an intimate experience for the audience. And free parking is always a plus. The venue has seen artists/bands of the likes of Elton John, Julien-K, and Circa Survive.

Address: 504 E Locust St, Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: (515) 244-0550
Website: http://woolysdm.com/

 4. McGrath Amphitheatre - Cedar Rapids, IA

Some people don’t like a confined building for a concert. If you are one of those people, then you’d love this great open outdoor venue – just check the weather before you visit it. It is a nice beautiful spot situated next to the Cedar River. Seats are available despite being an outdoor venue. This is overall a beautiful venue that is especially appealing during summer.

Address: 475 1st St SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone: (319) 362-1729
Website: http://mcgrathamphitheatre.com/

 5. Stephens Auditorium - Ames, IA

The Stephens Auditorium is part of the Iowa State Center, which also consists of the Hilton Coliseum, Fisher Theatre, Jack Trice Stadium, and Scheman Building. The Stephens Auditorium has a seating capacity of 2747 and boasts of great acoustics. The accessibility options are also a nice feature. The interior architecture is breathtakingly beautiful, with nice seats and some number of balconies. It is overall a great place for a concert.

Address: 1900 Center Dr, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: (515) 294-3347
Website: http://www.center.iastate.edu/


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