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How to Cure a Kidney Infection without Antibiotic?

If you are searching for ways how to cure kidney infection at home without going to the specialist, this article will guide you.

A kidney is the important organ of the human body that filters the harmful toxins from the blood. Kidney diseases usually happen as a part of a urinary tract infection or UTI. Kidney infection is also called as pyelonephritis.

It results from progressive or chronic urinary tract infections (additionally called as bladder diseases). This is a serious condition that can make you sick. Sometimes, it influences just one of the kidneys, but in some cases, it spreads to both the kidneys causing part of pain and inconvenience. If the condition is left untreated, it can lead to permanent kidney damage.

Kidney diseases happen when germs and microorganisms remain in the urinary tract instead of being washed away by showering and urination. Kidney infection can happen to anyone whois more inclined to this in contrast with men as women have shorter urethra, which influences the microscopic organisms to come to the kidneys effortlessly.

Likewise, children and younger women are more likely to kidney diseases. If you detect you have a kidney disease, you should get it treated as fast as possible.

When kidneys go wrong

We live in a world loaded with toxins, corrosive materials, and chemicals, things that overload our kidneys and force them to work harder than they should. Also, lack of hydration remains an issue for the most of the individuals.

In case you're not drinking a lot of water each day, you could be putting your own kidneys in danger.

Kidney infection symptoms

It is essential to know the different symptoms of kidney diseases so that it will be easier for you to distinguish and in addition treat it at the prior stage.

  • If you get chills or fever regularly
  • Feeling tired easily
  • If you see pus or blood while you urinate
  • If you experience pain in your groin, side, and lower back
  • Decreased appetite
  • Urge to urinate frequently
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Cloudy and smelly urine
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Vomiting
  • If you continuously suffer from stomach upset

It is important to cure kidney infections at the earliest. A vital point to be stressed here is that these natural remedies for kidney cancer and disease can be utilized as complementary treatments that supplement conventional treatment; however, they can't be relied as a cure for kidney infections.

Despite the fact that antibiotics are important to treat the infection, there are several natural cures that can supplement this treatment and give alleviation. This is essential because if the infecting organisms are not destroyed with the utilization of synthetic antibiotics, the infection can quickly spread to the blood, prompting more serious complications.

Therefore, if your specialist has prescribed antibiotics for the urinary infection please keep on taking these medications as recommended and only utilize these natural solutions to facilitate the activity of the medications and to get alleviation from the manifestations.

Be hydrated

The primary activity against kidney infection is increasing the intake of fluids. It keeps up healthy and tidy and will eliminate microscopic organisms, toxic wastes out of the body. You can take lemon water, coconut water, vegetable, and fruit juice that will fight against microbes and improve healing process by giving essential minerals and vitamins.

Drinking 10-12 glass of water daily is amazingly good. Stop drinking alcohol (or its product) until your disease cures.

Cranberry juice and apple juice

Cranberry juice is one of the best ways to get rid of kidney disease quickly. It contains compounds that help prevent kidney pain and, in addition, UTI pain. It decreases the growth of microscopic organisms in the bladder and keeps them from moving to the kidneys.

So drink a lot of fresh cranberry juice or take 500 mg of cranberry extract pills twice every day. Apple juice also enhances immune function and urges the body to mend itself.


Parsley works great as a detox agent. When it is consumed by a person with kidney diseases, it gets rid of the bacteria that grow in the kidneys. Sprinkle somewhat washed and finely chopped parsley onto your food so that you can consume it raw, as this is how it is generally used.

Then again, you can also add a chopped parsley to boiling water, soak for 5 minutes, and strain the fluid to get parsley juice that you can consume twice or thrice daily.


It is rightly said that eating an apple daily to keep doctor away. Apple contains a lot of fiber and nutrients, which supports the immune system of your body and make you sufficiently strong to fight kidney infections effortlessly.

Its acidic substance keeps up the acidity level in the urine and keeps the growth of infection-causing microbes in control. Its anti-inflammatory properties subside the pain that is caused because of kidney infections.

Epsom salt

Treat yourself to a detox shower in Epsom salts. Excreting toxins and waste gives kidney a boost while enhancing your general health.



You can't totally prevent bladder infections. In any case, you might be less inclined to get one if you

  • Avoid deodorant sprays or douches on your private parts.
  • Don’t use condoms or diaphragms with spermicide. It can activate bacteria growth. In any case, do use lubricated condoms, since without lube, it can irritate the urethra, which makes infection more probable.
  • Drink lot of water.
  • Go to the bathroom when you feel the urge.
  • Pass urine after having sex.
  • Wipe front to back after going to the washroom.

Making out the improvements listed above will benefit your kidneys, alongside your overall health. But, in addition, there are three significant threats that truly require action on your part. In case you're suffering diabetes, prediabetes, or hypertension, your kidneys could be suffering as well. These conditions can be enhanced with natural cures and lifestyle modifications, yet those will require some dedication on your part. Taking care of your kidneys is a beneficial objective and makes the necessary improvements to protect these essential organs.


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