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Meghan Markle’s estranged half-sister has a lot to say about the Sussex family’s security


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Meghan Markle has a difficult relationship with her family, something that has plagued her years as a Royal. The Markles as a whole have created a lot of drama around the Duchess of Sussex, from estranged nephew Tyler Dooley naming his cannabis business after her, to her father Thomas Markle’s continuous interaction with the press. […]

The post Meghan Markle’s estranged half-sister has a lot to say about the Sussex family’s security appeared first on Marie Claire.

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Meghan Markle has a difficult relationship with her family, something that has plagued her years as a Royal.

The Markles as a whole have created a lot of drama around the Duchess of Sussex, from estranged nephew Tyler Dooley naming his cannabis business after her, to her father Thomas Markle’s continuous interaction with the press.

‘I really tried to adopt this British sensibility of a “stiff upper lip”’, Meghan explained last year in a documentary interview. ‘I really tried, but I think that what that does internally is probably really damaging. I never thought that this would be easy, but I thought it would be fair.’

The family member who has spent the most time in the press however is Meghan’s estranged half-sister, Samantha Grant (now going by Markle), who it seems has been taking every opportunity to publicly tear apart Harry and Meghan’s actions.

The couple’s recent issue of security was no exception, with President Donald Trump announcing that the Sussex family would have to pay for their own security after their move to California.

While Harry and Meghan have not yet formally responded, royal reporter Omid Scobie quoted a Sussex representative on his own Twitter to say, ‘The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have no plans to ask the U.S. government for security resources. Privately funded security arrangements have been made.’

Samantha ‘Markle’ unsurprisingly had a lot to say about it all, expressing her views on the talkRADIO Drivetime show yesterday.

‘To make the taxpayer to pay for their security when the world is dying, it’s shocking grandiosity,’ she explained. ‘I totally support President Trump, he is remarkable under these circumstances. To say he has blood on his hands is absolutely disgusting.’

She continued: ‘The US people should not pay for their security. Harry and Meghan don’t seem to care about families or people around them. Their self-preservation is quite disgusting. They can throw stones all they want but they are the biggest hypocrites out there now. It’s a devastating pandemic, the idea of abandoning both families without so much of a phone call is just shocking. And now to abandon the British people and Royal family at such a critical time it is almost, it takes me back to the colosseum in Roman times, it just seems so horribly cruel.’

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have not formally responded. They will no longer officially represent the Queen from April 1.

The post Meghan Markle’s estranged half-sister has a lot to say about the Sussex family’s security appeared first on Marie Claire.


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