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Теория Рекламы :: RE: "Общая Теория Рекламы:Реклама Агрессии (комментарии) 11

Автор: Dimitriy
Добавлено: 12.12.2021 2:08 (GMT 3)

В канун Дня прав человека мы стали свидетелями настоящего нарушения этих самых прав, когда Александр Сокуров предложил Президенту России Владимиру Путину дать возможность отделиться некоторым регионам и таким образом развалить Россию.

Многое мы видим с экранов телевизоров, но чтобы вот так откровенно и открыто отрабатывали американскую идею развала России, проверенную на развале СССР, такое я вижу впервые. Эта отчаянная попытка прозападного правозащитника выглядела убого, непрофессионально и даже мерзко.

Кстати, Сокуров трусливо не упомянул мое имя, но все поняли, что речь идет обо мне в одном из его тезисов. Сокурову нужно было всего лишь поднять пятую точку и просто поинтересоваться, кто выступил с инициативой запретить главам субъектов называться президентами. Я - Рамзан Кадыров. И я не президент, не падишах. Я - Глава Чеченской Республики, что указано в Конституции Чеченской Республики. Пусть почитает её, а не американский листочек.

Про личную армию - не устану повторять, что я пехотинец Верховного Главнокомандующего, и все наши бойцы подчиняются федеральному командованию. Так что вот эта жалкая попытка маразматического выступления Сокурова представить чеченцев отдельным государством не стоит и выеденного яйца.

Мы, чеченцы, как никто другой знаем, что такое нарушение прав человека, что такое кража людей с целью выкупа, что такое теракт в отношении мирных жителей, что такое убийство имамов, стариков, женщин и детей. Где был Сокуров, когда 300 тысяч чеченцев погибли, а несколько десятков тысяч пропали без вести? Трусливо отсиживался в режиссерском кресле.

Как бы ни ворочался ночью во сне Сокуров, как бы сильно ни чесалось у него, как бы он ни хотел международного признания в качестве правозащитника, как бы ни пытался он снова и снова развалить страну, Чеченская Республика была, есть и будет неотъемлемой частью Российской Федерации! Точка!

На месте компетентных органов я бы дал словам нигилиста Сокурова правовую оценку на факт антигосударственного и экстремистского характера. Не нравится мне эта продажная морда!

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Реклама Агрессии.


Assistant Secretary Donfried’s Trip to Ukraine, Russia, and Belgium
Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Dr. Karen Donfried will travel to Kyiv, Ukraine and Moscow, Russia December 13-15 to meet with senior government officials to discuss Russia’s military buildup and to reinforce the United States’ commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. Assistant Secretary Donfried will emphasize that we can make diplomatic progress on ending the conflict in the Donbas through implementation of the Minsk agreements in support of the Normandy Format.
Dr. Donfried will then travel to Brussels, Belgium December 15-16 to consult with NATO Allies and EU partners on efforts to pursue a diplomatic solution.

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Secretary Blinken’s Meeting with German Foreign Minister Baerbock
The following is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:
Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met yesterday with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on the margins of the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers’ Meeting in Liverpool. Secretary Blinken congratulated Germany on the formation of its new government and Minister Baerbock on her new role. The Secretary and Foreign Minister discussed support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity in the face of Russian aggression, and agreed that a strong response was needed should Moscow escalate. They also discussed combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing the climate crisis, standing up for democracy and human rights globally, and Germany’s priorities for its 2022 G7 presidency.
The Secretary noted the scale and urgency of the shared challenges, underscoring the need to have a Senate-confirmed Ambassador in place.

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Russia faces consequences if Ukraine invaded - Truss
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has warned Russia it will face "severe economic consequences" if it invades Ukraine.
She said G7 foreign ministers meeting in Liverpool this weekend would put on a show of unity and make clear such a move would be a "strategic mistake".
Ms Truss said the UK and its allies had to "deter Russia from taking that course of action".
Tensions are growing as Moscow amasses troops on Ukraine's border - but the Kremlin has denied it plans to invade.
Reiterating previous warnings from the US and its allies, Ms Truss said the G7 "are going to absolutely be strong in our stance against aggression... with respect to Ukraine".
She added: "If Russia were to take that action, it would be a strategic mistake, and there will be severe consequences for Russia.
"And what we're doing this weekend is working with like-minded allies to spell that out."
Putin compares Ukraine war zone to genocide
• Is Russia preparing to invade Ukraine?
• What would be the fallout if Russia invaded Ukraine?
• What next for Ukraine after Putin-Biden talks?

Ukraine shares borders with both the EU and Russia, but as a former Soviet republic it has deep social and cultural ties with Russia.
However, Russia has accused Ukraine of provocation, and sought guarantees against eastward Nato expansion and deployment of weapons close to its border.
Ahead of the G7 meeting, Ms Truss held talks with Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba in London.
Asked if she could rule out a military response to Russian aggression, Ms Truss said the UK was working with Ukraine on "defence and security capability".
"We are providing them with support," she said. "We are also working to help them with their energy resilience. So they're not solely dependent on Russian energy supplies. And that is the way ultimately that we will help support Ukraine."
Ms Truss said the UK and EU were trying to ensure Western economies were less dependent on Russian energy.
The foreign secretary said the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Germany and Russia would be "a problem" if Russia invaded Ukraine.
It would be an issue to discuss with her new German counterpart at the G7 talks.
Ms Truss said: "We absolutely need to reduce dependence on Russian gas and energy. And this should be part of an overall strategy of reducing dependence on non-market economies, reducing dependence on malign actors, and making sure that the free world is able to have that strategic independence it needs to survive and thrive."
US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday held a virtual summit aimed at reducing tensions in the region. Mr Biden said he had made it clear to Mr Putin that there would be "economic consequences like none he's ever seen" if he invaded Ukraine.

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Польша пожаловалась на Францию за отношение к России

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В Кремле выразили обеспокоенность концентрацией американских войск в Греции

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1,5 тыс. танкистов ЮВО провели боевые стрельбы за пять дней боевой учебы в полевых условиях

Более 1,5 тыс. танкистов соединений и воинских частей Южного военного округа (ЮВО) провели боевые стрельбы за пять дней боевой учебы в полевых условиях.
Упражнения боевых стрельб выполнялись экипажами из орудий современных танков Т-72Б3 и Т-90А с использованием штатных снарядов, а также из крупнокалиберного зенитного пулемета. танкисты совершенствовали навыки в поражении мишеней, имитирующих движущийся танк, противотанковый гранатометный расчет и безоткатное артиллерийское орудие на дистанциях от 300 до 2000 м.
Танковые экипажи выполнили упражнения в условиях пустынной и горно-лесистой местности полигонов, расположенных в Волгоградской и Ростовской областях, Адыгее, Дагестане, Ингушетии, Северной Осетии, Карачаево-Черкесии и Крыму, а также на российских военных базах ЮВО в Абхазии, Армении и Южной Осетии.
На танкодромах механики-водители выполняли упражнения по вождению танков по пересеченной местности с преодолением естественных препятствий, в том числе противотанковых рвов и заграждений.
Планом боевой подготовки экипажей боевых машин предусмотрено изучение тактики боя танковых подразделений в наступлении и обороне в дневное и ночное время суток.
Боевое слаживание экипажей, расчетов и отделений соединений и воинских частей продолжится в войсках ЮВО до февраля 2022 года.

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Россия провела танковые учения со стрельбами у границ Украины и в Крыму

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Russia-Ukraine Sea Encounter Highlights Jittery Nerves in the Region
KYIV, Ukraine — It is a sign of the heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine that for a few hours this week, а meandering, half-century-old Ukrainian naval ship seemed as if it could spark a worrisome military escalation.

The ship, according to Ukrainian officials, was unarmed and involved in a simple training exercise on Thursday in a small but strategic waterway bordered by Ukraine to the west and Russia to the east. It seemed to be primarily an example of the Ukrainian navy’s decrepitude, though it’s possible that Ukraine, too, could have been trying to push the boundaries and provoke Russia.

Either way, the Russian security services and state news media quickly seized on the encounter, portraying it as an imminent threat.

Russia’s domestic spy service, the F.S.B., announced late in the evening that it had intercepted the ship for failing to obey orders. That set off the Kremlin’s propagandists, who played up the move as a prelude to war. RT, a Russian government television station, began livestreaming coverage on YouTube under the headline “UKRAINIAN PROVOCATION,” with a military analyst suggesting the ship should be blown out of the water.

“This is the provocation everyone has been waiting for,” Andrei Medvedev, an RT contributor, wrote.

In the end, it was not, as the vessel returned to port without incident.

A lumbering ship may not yet be enough to provoke a full-on Russian assault. But with Moscow having amassed nearly 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders, along with tanks, fighter aircraft and ballistic missiles, people on all sides of the conflict are jumpy.
The brief flare-up not only underscores the dangers inherent in the conflict between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists, but also suggests that the situation remains volatile even after a video call this week between President Biden and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia aimed at ratcheting down tensions.

Mr. Putin’s rhetoric on Ukraine has become increasingly ominous. And Ukrainian troops are arrayed along a 250-mile barricade of trenches and fortifications that regularly erupts in machine gun and artillery fire as they face off against the separatists in the Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine.

Much is riding on diplomatic efforts in the next days and weeks, experts said.
“I think that it’s obviously tense, but it’s not like we’re ready to roll,” said Eugene Rumer, the director of the Russia and Eurasia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Mr. Rumer raised the possibility that, once Russia made a decision to invade, it could use a minor incident as justification.
“If Putin realizes this conversation with Biden is not going anywhere, that he’s not getting what he wants, that this is hopeless, then I can imagine that a drone incident or a shell that somebody lobs could provide the pretext to pull the trigger,” he said.
Indeed, the decision by the F.S.B. to intercept a seemingly harmless ship, combined with the furious reaction from the Kremlin’s propagandists, has unnerved both Ukrainian and Western officials, who fear that it serves as a model for how the Kremlin could use a contrived excuse to invade.
Ukrainian observers said they found the timing of the F.S.B.’s announcement suspicious. It came out around the time the government released the details of a telephone call between Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, and President Biden.
In a statement on Twitter, the United States Embassy in Kyiv delivered an unusually pointed response, saying that the Ukrainian ship did nothing illegal and accusing the Russian government of intentionally ginning up a controversy.
“Russia’s false allegations are part of its ongoing campaign to distract from its latest aggressive, provocative action,” the embassy wrote.

The ship — named Donbas, after the heart of the separatist territory — was intercepted in the Sea of Azov near the Kerch Strait, a narrow passage near Russian-occupied Crimea over which Ukraine and Russia have repeatedly clashed. In 2018, Russian forces opened fire on several Ukrainian naval vessels and arrested a number of sailors, who they accused of straying into territorial waters that the Kremlin claimed as its own after the annexation of Crimea.

The F.S.B. said the Donbas had refused to obey orders to divert from a course leading to the Kerch Strait. “These actions represent a threat to the safety of navigation,” its statement said.

According to Ukrainian officials, the ship never came closer than 18 nautical miles from the disputed waterway.

Ukrainian and Western officials say that the Russian authorities, including Mr. Putin himself, seem to be previewing their rationalizations for an invasion. This month, Antony J. Blinken, the U.S. secretary of state, warned that Russia had “intensified disinformation to paint Ukraine as the aggressor to justify pre-planned military action.”

These efforts appeared to continue even after the video call between Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden.

In defiance of all evidence to the contrary, Mr. Putin on Thursday accused the Ukrainian authorities of carrying out “a genocide” against the residents of the Donbas. Though civilians in the separatist territories live under the protection of Russian-backed military forces, Margarita Simonyan, the editor in chief of RT and one of the Kremlin’s chief propagandists, immediately amplified the claims, suggesting she hoped Russia would come to the residents’ rescue.

“Mother Russia has more than once saved millions from different forms of genocide,” she wrote on Telegram.

“I don’t know if he had that in mind,” she said of Mr. Putin, “but I certainly hope he did.”
The bellicose statements come against the backdrop of continuing violence along the so-called line of control separating Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists. On Thursday, two Ukrainian service members were wounded in attacks on front line positions, the country’s military’s press service reported.

Meanwhile, the buildup of Russian troops on the border shows no sign of abating. Russia’s Defense Ministry announced that tank divisions from the western military district had practiced taking out anti-tank rockets similar to the Javelins provided by the United States and now deployed by Ukrainian forces in the country’s east. The exercises were held at training grounds in the Voronezh region, less than 200 miles from the Russia-Ukraine border.

Valery V. Gerasimov, the chief of the Russian general staff, warned in remarks to military attachés on Thursday that worsening tensions in the region could force Russia to respond. In his statement he specifically mentioned Russia’s opposition to the Javelins, which Ukrainian forces have not yet used on the battlefield, as well as Turkish-made Bayraktar drones, which have been used to attack separatists’ positions.

“Any provocation by the Ukrainian authorities to solve the problems of Donbas using force will be suppressed,” he said.

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Ukraine Commanders Say a Russian Invasion Would Overwhelm Them
KYIV, Ukraine — On the 30th anniversary of the founding of Ukraine’s armed forces, President Volodymyr Zelensky donned a helmet and flak jacket to tour the trenches this week and announced with great fanfare the delivery of new tanks, armored vehicles and ships to frontline units engaged in fighting Russian forces and Kremlin-backed separatists.
The weapons systems may help to maintain parity in the slow-moving war of attrition that has prevailed for years. But neither they nor anything else the Ukrainian military can now muster would be sufficient to repel a full-on Russian assault that Ukrainian and Western officials say Moscow might be preparing.
With nearly 100,000 troops now massed across Ukraine’s eastern, northern and southern borders and more on the way, even the Ukrainian officials responsible for their country’s defense acknowledge that without a significant influx of resources, their forces do not stand much of a chance.
“Unfortunately, Ukraine needs to be objective at this stage,” said Gen. Kyrylo O. Budanov, the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence service. “There are not sufficient military resources for repelling a full-scale attack by Russia if it begins without the support of Western forces.”
General Budanov outlined his nightmare vision of a Russian invasion that would begin with airstrikes and rocket attacks aimed initially at ammunition depots and trench-bound troops. Very quickly, he said, the Ukrainian military would be incapacitated, its leadership unable to coordinate a defense and supply the front. After that, he said, responsibility would fall to frontline commanders to carry on the fight alone.
“They will hold up as long as there are bullets,” General Budanov said. “They’ll be able to use what they have in their hands, but believe me without delivery of reserves, there’s not an army in the world that can hold out.”
While Russia could be prepared militarily to launch an invasion of Ukraine as early as January or February, Ukraine and Western intelligence services say there is no indication that Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, has made up his mind whether to do so.
In a video call with President Biden on Tuesday, Mr. Putin dismissed concerns about the troop buildup on Ukraine’s border, shifting blame to the United States and NATO, which he accused of threatening Russia’s security by supporting Ukraine’s military with arms and training.
Mr. Biden followed up that call with one on Thursday afternoon to Mr. Zelensky, which Jen Psaki, the White House spokeswoman, described as an opportunity for Mr. Biden to share details of his conversation with Mr. Putin and to express support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. She declined to specify any Ukrainian requests that might have been made to Mr. Biden.
In Kyiv, Mr. Zelensky’s office said in a statement that Mr. Zelensky had thanked Mr. Biden in the call for his “consistent, firm and decisive support.” It said that both leaders discussed ways to counteract the “hybrid aggression” directed at Ukraine from Russia, but did not go into details.
The massing of Russian troops and heavy weaponry on the border has forced Ukrainian officials to face some hard truths in recent weeks. The U.S. intelligence community has assessed that Russia has devised plans for an offensive involving 175,000 troops.
Ukraine has only slightly more enlisted soldiers and officers in its entire military, according to the Ministry of Defense. It is outgunned on land, at sea and in the air, with only about 200 aircraft in its Air Force, including transport vehicles, fewer than the number of fighter planes that Russia has deployed already to the Ukrainian border.
Russia’s forces include battle-ready submarines and frigates in the Black Sea armed with cruise missiles, and land-based units equipped with Iskander-M ballistic missiles, while Ukraine lacks serious missile defense systems. The Russian missiles could wipe out a significant part of the Ukrainian military in less than an hour, said Robert Lee, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and Ph.D. candidate at King’s College in London, who is a Russian military expert.
“If Russia really wants to unleash its conventional capabilities, they could inflict massive damage in a very short period of time,” Mr. Lee said. “They can devastate the Ukrainian military in the east really quickly, within the first 30-40 minutes.”
Ukraine’s military is not the pushover it once was. In 2014, elite Russia troops were able to seize the entire Crimean Peninsula in southern Ukraine without firing a shot. When Russian-backed separatists then took over part of eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region, Ukraine had to rely on volunteer brigades of people who took up arms, with little or no military training, to help beat back the insurgency.
But the Ukrainian military clawed its way back, fighting the separatists to a stalemate and putting a stop to the most serious hostilities. It did so with help from Western allies. The United States alone has provided $2.5 billion in military assistance that has included high-tech surveillance and communications equipment and drones. In November, the United States delivered about 88 tons of ammunition, part of a $60 million military aid package pledged by the Biden administration.
On Wednesday, President Biden ruled out deploying U.S. forces to Ukraine to deter Russia. But there are more than 150 U.S. military advisers in Ukraine, a combination of U.S. Special Forces and National Guard, currently the Florida National Guard’s 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, according to two U.S. Defense Department officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive troop deployments. About a dozen other NATO countries also have military advisers in Ukraine now, the officials said.
Under the Trump administration, the Ukrainians, for the first time, were given anti-tank Javelin missiles. Ukrainian forces have so far refrained from firing Javelins on the battlefield, partly from a desire to avoid antagonizing the Kremlin.
The Biden administration has continued to supply them, delivering a new cache of missiles in October. John F. Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, said Wednesday that there were no conditions or restrictions placed on the Javelins, except that the Ukrainian forces use them “responsibly” and “in self-defense.”
In an interview with Radio Liberty this month, Gen. Oleksandr Pavlyuk, the commander of the Joint Operation Forces fighting the separatists, said the Javelins had already been deployed to military units in eastern Ukraine. A senior Ukrainian military official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military issues, confirmed that Javelin missiles had been deployed to frontline military units a month ago, but had not yet been fired in battle.
“The Javelins are there, and if our enemies employ tanks they will be used,” the official said.
The Biden administration has remained vague about how else it might come to Ukraine’s defense in case of invasion.
In his video call with Mr. Putin on Tuesday, President Biden looked his counterpart in the eye and warned the United States would go beyond the economic punishments imposed on Russia after the 2014 seizure of Crimea should Mr. Putin decide to order military action, according to an account by Jake Sullivan, the president’s national security adviser. What those penalties might be were left unclear, though few expect the United States to commit significant military assistance beyond what has already been provided.
The lack of firm commitments from Ukraine’s Western backers is a source of consternation for Ukrainian officials.
“They need to decide, either we’re allies as they declare — and in that case allies help one another — or they need to say that this is not exactly the case,” said General Budanov, the military intelligence chief. “If the civilized world wants to avoid catastrophe — and this will be a catastrophe for everyone — we need military technical support now, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, not in year. Now.”
Those who understand that such a level of support is unlikely have begun to speak darkly of popular armed resistance against any Russian occupation. In an interview, General Pavlyuk noted that Ukraine had up to half a million people with military experience. If the West does not come to Ukraine’s aid, he said, “we’ll start a partisan war.”
“Eight years have passed and there are very many people with military experience who are prepared with weapons in their hands to fight,” he said.
One senior Ukrainian military official who spoke on condition of anonymity said that if all else failed, the military would simply open its weapons depots and allow the Ukrainian people to take whatever they need to defend themselves and their families.

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If Russia Strikes Ukraine, Here's How the Pentagon Could Bring the Heat
Following a virtual summit on Tuesday between U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Washington believes that the Kremlin is preparing to attack its neighbor, Ukraine, and may do so as early as January. The leaders' meeting—which seemed mostly unproductive—centered on Russia's massing of up to 175,000 troops on Ukraine's border, and what the U.S. may (or may not) do about it.
Washington has a range of options to deter Moscow, from providing Kiev with key intelligence, to sending troops, aircraft, and ships to Europe. Yet as much as Putin understands the use of force, it may ultimately be the economic sanctions that Biden foreshadowed in their virtual meeting that will prompt Russia to reconsider its bad neighbor policy. If it does come down to a physical conflict—or perhaps even war—the U.S. has a wide range of options to deal with Russia, though.

How Many Russian Troops Have Massed Ukraine?
In late November, Bloomberg reported that U.S. intelligence officers had briefed its NATO allies about a Russian massing of ground forces. The buildup, along Russia's border with its neighbor Ukraine, consisted of about 50 battalion tactical groups, or about the equivalent of five divisions of combat troops. Battalion tactical groups (BTGs) are self-contained combat groups consisting of armor, motorized rifle, artillery, and air defense forces capable of independent operations. Intelligence sources believe that the buildup ultimately could consist of about 100 BTGs, or about 175,000 troops. In August, Russian state media reported that the entire Russian Ground Forces fielded "about" 170 BTGs.
The U.S. and NATO still don't know what Putin truly intends to do with his assembled armies, but during the Tuesday videoconference with President Biden, he said that Russia will not attack. Still, the Kremlin is paranoid about eastward NATO expansion, and wants guarantees that member nations will not deploy weapons near Russia, per the BBC. Those are negotiations that the U.S. and NATO may not be interested in, however.
Meanwhile, Putin could be attempting to intimidate Ukraine and its people, hoping they would elect a government more bent on Russian appeasement, if not with a pro-Russian bent. Or, he might be planning limited attacks to seize small tracts of Ukrainian territory. In the worst-case-scenario, Russia might even stage an all-out attack on Ukraine, though Putin seems to understand it would be risky to get himself dragged into an Iraq-style guerrilla war with a country the size of Texas.

How Could the U.S. Military Respond to Conflict in Ukraine?
The first (and arguably most important) tactic is to increase surveillance of Russian forces to figure out what they're up to. The U.S. Army could redeploy RC-12 Guardrail spy aircraft, which typically operate from the Baltic states to monitor Russian communications in and around Kaliningrad (a Russian province between between Poland and Lithuania), to keep watch over the Russian-Ukrainian border.
Meanwhile, the Air Force could increase surveillance missions with RQ-4 Global Hawk drones. Those operations typically begin in Sicily and involve the giant 737-sized drones flying eastward over Ukraine and the Black Sea, while looking into Russia itself. Special operations forces might engage on the ground in Ukraine, probing Russian ground forces and collecting information.
If the U.S. detects that Russia is preparing for imminent attack in the coming weeks, there are options that could dissuade it from doing so, all while laying the groundwork for a more forceful response. Activating the U.S. Military Sealift Command fleet—the force that would transport tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and other heavy equipment across the Atlantic—would send a strong signal that the Pentagon is prepared to send ground forces to Europe. (The sealift fleet is also old, and the earlier it's activated, the better.)

The Army could also redeploy existing forces in Europe to prepare to counter a Russian buildup. The 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division is in Europe, training with NATO and other European allies, but many of its subunits are widely separated across the continent. Reforming the brigade in eastern Poland would create a potent, on-the- ground intervention force. Other troops that could mass in Poland include the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Germany and the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Italy. Activating National Guard combat units—like Mississippi's 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team and the Texas Army National Guard's 36th Infantry Division—would send a signal that the U.S. is preparing for an extended crisis, even disrupting the lives of reservists.
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Naturally, the Navy would also get in on the action. U.S. aircraft carrier assets are thin right now, with just one carrier operating between the East Coast and the Philippine Sea. The USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group departed Norfolk, Virginia on November 30 for a regularly scheduled deployment. Truman and her escorts will likely end up off Europe in the coming weeks, and moving the strike group into the Baltic Sea would enable her strike fighters and Tomahawk cruise missiles to threaten Russian forces massing against northern Ukraine. Another option is to send one or more Ohio-class guided-missile submarines to Europe, making visible appearances in local ports. Each is equipped with up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles.
The Air Force, with its stealth fighters and long-range cruise missiles, might well be the most decisive arm. Fighters and bombers, including F-22 Raptors, F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, and F-15E Strike Eagles could cross the Atlantic and touch down at bases in NATO countries such as Poland and Romania, both of which share a border with Ukraine. U.S. Strategic Command might forward-deploy bombers, laden with cruise missiles, to bases in the United Kingdom. American military planners would likely elect to send B-1B Lancer bombers due to their ability to carry up to 24 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles at a time. A force of just ten B-1Bs, armed with JASSM cruise missiles, can strike up to 240 separate targets, devastating the Russian military's ability to sustain an invasion force. B-1Bs also have the benefit of being incapable of carrying nuclear weapons, reassuring Moscow that Washington isn't deploying nuclear arms to Europe. Yet.
The Pentagon's capabilities are so vast that these are just some possible military options. Yet as much as the Pentagon can do, nothing would hit Putin as hard as economic sanctions. Testimony in the U.S. Senate in 2017 claimed that Putin himself had a net worth of $200 billion at the time—making him one one of richest men in the world. The dominance of Western financial institutions and the interconnected nature of the global economy makes his fortune, and those of his allies, vulnerable to economic sanctions. But are threats of military action and sanctions enough to keep Russia out of Ukraine? Only Putin could tell you.

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Госпогранслужба Украины закупила 60 беспилотников DJI Matrice 300, оснащенных современной системой наблюдения, общей стоимостью почти $1,85 млн.

Задействованы аппараты будут преимущественно на участках государственной границы с Россией и Белоруссией..

Беспилотники и спецтранспорт. США выделят 20 млн долларов на усиление границы Украины

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В Украине будут производить реактивные беспилотники нового поколения
На украинско-турецком заводе, который строится в Василькове (Киевская обл.), будут производить реактивные беспилотники типа ANKA - следующее поколение БПЛА после Bayraktar, сообщил спикер Трёхсторонней контактной группы (ТКГ) по урегулированию ситуации на Донбассе Алексей Арестович во время субботнего интервью изданию "Радио Свобода".
"…завод строится сейчас в Василькове. Уже начал строиться завод, который будет производить украинско-турецкие беспилотники. В том числе ANKA – тяжелые беспилотники. В том числе украинские беспилотники, перспективные. В частности, речь может идти и о реактивных беспилотниках, которые являются перехватчиками. То есть они способны действовать против воздушных объектов, против других беспилотников. Даже против авиации пилотируемой. На них будут украинские двигатели и остальная турецкая авионика: корпус и т.п.", - заявил Арестович.
Арестович уточнил, что ANKA – это следующее поколение БПЛА после Bayraktar: "реактивные, не поршневые, а реактивные… БПЛА, превышающий "Байрактар" по всем характеристикам", – отметил он.
По словам Арестовича, завод в Василькове в конце 2022 уже должен выпустить первую продукцию.

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Первый беспилотник с лазерным вооружением Eren производства турецких компаний TUBITAK и Asisguard успешно произвёл "стрельбу" на дистанциях 500, 300 и 100 метров.
Фото №1 сделано в октябре во время предыдущих испытаний.

США выделят $20 млн для усиления северной и восточной границ Украины

"Сегодня в Черкасской области был подписан План совместных действий между Госпогранслужбой Украины и посольством США в Украине", - проинформировала служба в пятницу.
Проект стартует с января следующего года, общая сумма помощи – $20 млн.
Проект предусматривает возможность предоставления Госпогранслужбе беспилотных авиационных систем, спецтранспорта, средств видеомониторинга, связи, экипировки и т.д.
Напомним, глава МИД Дмитрий Кулеба заявил, что Украина пока не видит, чтобы следствием переговоров президента США Джо Байдена с российским президентом Владимиром Путиным стало немедленное понижение напряженности на границе. (выделено а.п.)

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Despite appeals from Ukraine, Biden admin holds back additional military aid to Kyiv amid diplomatic push

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Порошенко предостерег о последствиях проведения референдума на Донбассе
"Представьте себе, что две или три области примут решение иное, чем остальные области. А представьте себе, что в результате будет сценарий, в том числе сценарий (президента РФ Владимира – ИФ) Путина о том, что эти области не счастливы, и повторят позицию фейкового референдума, который Путин провел в Крыму", – цитирует пресс-служба слова Порошенко.

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Порошенко призвал провести заседание Рады с участием президента из-за угрозы вторжения РФ

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Координаторы Люблинского треугольника обсудят увеличение военного присутствия РФ и дезинформацию

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Генсек НАТО отверг требование России по поводу нечленства Украины в Альянсе

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СМИ: украинская "дочка" Сбербанка официально изменила название
Сбербанк в Украине сменил название на Международный Резервный Банк или сокращенно - МР Банк.

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Луганская область на пороге катастрофы из-за блокирования Россией поставок угля, - нардеп

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Импорт угля из США в Украину осуществляется по формуле "Роттердам+", - эксперт

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Цены на нефть завершили неделю максимальным ростом с августа

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Польша обвинила Беларусь в лазерной поддержке прорыва беженцев. Границу перешли 28 человек

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Атака лазером и камнями: белорусские силовики помогли мигрантам прорваться в Польшу

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Молдова не пустила нескольких граждан РФ накануне так называемых "выборов" в Приднестровье

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8 дек. 2021 г.
Источник видео.

Цены на газ в Европе закрепились выше 1200 долларов за тысячу кубометров

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Россия не намерена снижать цены на газ для Греции, заявил Песков

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The Navy's $9B Stealthy Super Destroyer Is Covered In Rust

... The Navy's first of just three DDG-1000 destroyers, USS Zumwalt, continues its testing and training work off Southern California. The ship, which was commissioned five years ago, has been coming and going from San Diego Bay regularly for years now. The second ship in this small class of highly advanced warships, USS Michael Mansoor (DDG-1001), has also joined Zumwalt in San Diego for its own outfitting and trials. It is hoped that Zumwalt will be able to deploy in the not-so-distant future, but the futuristic warship looked less than gleaming recently, with some of its radar-absorbent tiles deeply discolored and rust streaking down its convex tumblehome hull.

This is a well-established issue that is getting worse, not better, but usually, it is found on ships that have been deployed for long periods of time, executing high tempo operations, not those that spend the vast majority of their time tied up to the pier at one of the Navy's most well-equipped harbors. The 'running rust' issue is quite contentious, with some who say as long as the ship functions, it shouldn't be a major issue, while others claim it is a major embarrassment and indicative of troubling systemic issues within the Navy.

One excuse for the ship looking like this could be that it was designed around a minimal manning concept. What this means is that even though DDG-1000 is far larger displacement-wise than an Arleigh Burke class destroyer, its crew complement is just over half the size, at around 175 people, and that is when it is fully staffed for combat operations. While automation can help reduce the need for some tasks, corrosion control is still very much a job that's done with sweat and elbow grease and the DDG-1000s have a lot of surface area to keep up. Zumwalt class crews also have to deal with low-observable coatings on areas of the ship that are less straightforward to maintain than normal surface corrosion found of other ships in the fleet. That being said, Zumwalt and Michael Monsoor were built with composite deckhouses that are supposed to lessen corrosion. Their sister ship, USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002), has a deckhouse made of steel.

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10 дек. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


В Крыму установили статую царской семьи в окружении крыльев. В сети разразился скандал и ее убрали. Фото

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С триколором и российским "орлом". В Украину не пустили "фермера" из Узбекистана

По информации пограничников, наряд пассажира рейса из Ташкента побудило работников ГНСУ "обратить на него особое внимание".
"На одежде путешественника были изображения флага и герба страны-агрессора и надписи "Russian national team", - говорится в сообщении.
Указано, что иностранца пригласили в служебное помещение для проведения углубленной проверки.
"Во время которой он сам понял, что нарядился не совсем соответственно и извинился перед всеми украинцами. Но это не помогло иностранцу пересечь украинскую границу, потому что во время пограничного контроля выяснилось, что он не может подтвердить цель своей поездки", - рассказывают в ведомстве.
Пассажир рассказал пограничникам, что якобы планировал приобрести в Украине трактор для своего сельского хозяйства.
"Во время опроса он не смог понятно рассказать ни о своей ферме, ни о том у кого и какой трактор хочет купить. При этом путешественник не имел с собой денег не то что на покупку сельхозтехники, но и даже на бронирование отеля, а вместимость его багажа значительно превышала заявленный срок пребывания в Украине. "Фермер" вылетел в Ташкент обратным рейсом", - добавляют в ГПСУ.

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Источник видео.


11 дек. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


11 дек. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


11 дек. 2021 г.
Источник видео.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.


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Глава Адыгеи презентовали книгу, посвящённую 85-летию самбо

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Глава Адыгеи презентовали книгу, посвящённую 85-летию самбо


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Зеленский в Украине и мире

AFP: Байден объявил о выделении Киеву помощи на 225 млн долларов

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