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Теория Рекламы :: RE: Общая Теория Рекламы: Реклама Агрессии (комментарии) 10

Автор: Dimitriy
Добавлено: 30.05.2021 22:20 (GMT 3)

Biden says he will bring up human rights abuses with Putin during meeting next month
Washington (CNN)President Joe Biden said Sunday that he will discuss human rights abuses with Russian President Vladimir Putin when they meet in Switzerland next month.
"I'll be meeting with President Putin in a couple of weeks in Geneva, making it clear that we will not -- we will not stand by and let him abuse those rights," Biden said in remarks honoring Memorial Day, during which he noted America was founded on the ideal that all men and women are created equal and said the US has an obligation to speak out when it sees human rights abuses.
The White House said last week that the first face-to-face meeting between Biden and Putin will take place in Geneva on June 16, with the two leaders planning to discuss a range of issues as the US looks to improve relations with Russia. Biden has previously met with Putin during his time as vice president, including a 2011 meeting during which Biden said he looked into Putin's eyes and declared: "I don't think you have a soul."
Despite deteriorating relations between the two countries on issues like Ukraine and election interference, Biden hopes to establish a clear channel of communication that would avoid undue surprises.
In April, the Biden administration targeted Russia with sweeping sanctions and diplomatic expulsions, in part for the country's "severe human rights abuses" in Crimea.
The President also said he raised human rights abuses on a call with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
"I had a long conversation, for two hours recently with President Xi, making it clear to him that we could do nothing but speak out for human rights around the world because that's who we are," Biden said.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov earlier this month in a meeting during which the top US diplomat was expected to also discuss human rights abuses, according to three sources.
Blinken also directly raised a range of aggressive Russian activities, including the Solar Winds hack that targeted private businesses and government, Moscow's election interference, the wrongful detention of US citizens in Russia, its detention of opposition activist Alexey Navalny, and the expulsion of each other's diplomats, the sources said.

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Бацька бы удивился. Сторонники Стерненко под Офисом президента установили постер Лукашенко-Зеленского. Фото

"Вот такое вот творчество на акции Стерненко. Зеленский предстаёт наполовину Лукашенко. Бацька бы удивился", пишет Телеграм-канал Политика Страны.

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UK companies face pressure over links to Belarus regime
The role of UK companies in allegedly helping to prop up Europe’s so-called “last dictatorship” is coming under unprecedented pressure amid signs that lobbying by Belarusian exiles and others is paying off.
Rolls-Royce and British American Tobacco are among the firms that have responded to lobbying by the Belarusian diaspora and indicated they were willing to take action.
In the wake of the “hijacking” last Sunday of a Ryanair plane and the arrest of two passengers onboard, the Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich and his Russian girlfriend, activists in the UK have stepped up lobbying of the holders of Belarus bonds listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).
But among the UK-based companies to have responded are some which have been alerted to alleged severe violations of workers’ rights to assemble, strike and form independent trade unions at Belarusian state-owned enterprises.
They include Rolls-Royce, which is a supplier of BelAZ, a Belarusian vehicle factory and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of large dump trucks. Rolls-Royce confirmed to the Guardian that it was investigating concerns raised about the relationship between its Power Systems business, based in Germany, and BelAZ.
“Depending on the outcome, we may choose to take action in relation to our existing and any future business relationship,” the company said. “We are guided by our values when considering such matters and, of course, we comply in full with any applicable sanctions.”
Protests have continued outside the offices of British American Tobacco over its connections with the state-owned Grodno Tobacco Factory (GTF) Neman. The largest cigarette factory in Belarus makes cigarettes under licence for BAT.
“Britain is a window to the world. It is a high financial centre. It has an important role in trade despite Brexit. So we are stepping up our campaign,” said a spokesperson for the Professional Union of Belarusians in Britain. “BAT has been an important example, but we have also, for example, become aware of indications that some British companies are actually buying wood from Belarus and the figures there have been quite significant. We are going to investigate that as well.
“In terms of British business, their attitude so far has been pretty much along the lines of ‘as long as we can make money we do’. Many big companies have codes of conduct with pleasant-sounding wording, but there are questions about how they are employed in practice when it comes to Belarus.”
A BAT spokesperson said the company was committed to complying with all the applicable local and international legislative requirements as well as its own standards.
“In line with our commitment to respect human rights, this year we will undertake additional actions: BAT Belarus will be subject to an enhanced human rights due-diligence process; and the GTF Neman factory, as a supplier to the BAT Group, will be subject to an onsite workplace conditions assessment by our third-party audit provider.”
Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, was urged by his Labour shadow, Lisa Nandy, to impose sanctions against state-owned enterprises in Belarus – some of which continue to have UK subsidiaries, such as BNK (UK).
Raab has castigated what he described as a “reckless, cynical and dangerous hijacking of the Ryanair flight by the Belarus government” and said further sanctions were being considered against Belarus. The operating permit for Belavia, the country’s state-owned airline, has been suspended in the UK.
In June 2020 the Belarus finance ministry issued two sovereign eurobonds on the London Stock Exchange for a total of $1.25bn (£880m). In a posting on the LSE’s website, Ayuna Nechaeva, the LSE’s head of Europe, described the listing as “testament to the high level of investor demand in the Belarusian story”. The LSE declined to comment when approached by the Guardian.

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How Belarus 'hijacking' has redrawn Europe's air map
In the week since Ryanair flight FR4978 from Athens to Vilnius was forcibly diverted to Minsk, travel in Europe already looks very different.
Three days after the incident -- in which Belarusian fighter jets escorted the airplane to land in the capital citing security concerns, before arresting opposition activist Roman Protasevich and his Russian companion Sofia Sapega -- European airlines were formally stopped from flying over Belarusian airspace.
The directive, issued Wednesday by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) under the form of a Safety Information Bulletin (SIB), called on all airlines "with their principle place of business in one of the EASA member states" to avoid Belarusian airspace. They advised that all other airlines should do the same, wherever they are based.
The directive came a day after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that the bloc was "closing our airspace to planes from Belarus," calling on EU airlines not to fly over the country after the "outrageous behavior" shown on Sunday.
It's not just the EU. Other major carriers including Singapore Airlines have also vowed to bypass Belarusian airspace.
There were other impliations, with Russia -- an ally of Belarus -- taking several days to grant Air France and Austrian Airlines flights to Moscow the clearance to use Russian airspace to divert around Belarus, prompting cancelations.

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Правый сектор в центре Киева устроил "стрельбы" из АКМ по бумажному Кремлю

"Во время мероприятия все желающие имели возможность пострелять по кремлю, колорадским жукам, сфотографироваться в военном снаряжении и испытывать себя в разборке и сборке автомата Калашникова", - сообщили организаторы мероприятия.

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«Правый сектор» террористическая организация запрещённая в Р.Ф.

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How Harry Reid, a Terrorist Interrogator and the Singer From Blink-182 Took UFOs Mainstream
The meetings began in 1995, in a conference room in an office tower near the Las Vegas airport. The group started small: there were a handful of scientists and engineers; there was a CIA spy. There was a former Army colonel, and two Apollo astronauts.
And there was the person who’d hand-picked the group and invited them to Las Vegas: Robert Bigelow, a Nevada real-estate magnate. He wanted to talk about aliens.
Bigelow, just turning 50 at the time, had made enough money as a commercial developer, opening budget hotels across the Southwest, that he could finally indulge a fascination with UFOs that dated back years, to a close encounter his grandparents had experienced and told him about when he was three years old. He dubbed the group, somewhat grandly, the National Institute for Discovery Science.
NIDS, as it took shape in those Las Vegas meetings, was mainly interested in two topics: UFOs and consciousness after death. Its members were experts who had gotten used to having their interests disrespected by their peers. The group’s co-founder was John Alexander, a retired Army officer who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and had published books and articles on various aspects of ufology and the paranormal. Another was Hal Puthoff, an engineer and self-described parapsychologist who, while at the Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s and 1980s, had carried out top secret experiments for the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency on “remote viewing,” or using the human mind to sense objects or events far away. “One of the professors at Stanford thought that was all nonsense,” he said. “He wouldn’t let his kids play with my kids because of what I was doing.”
Collectively, the group, which also attracted former astronauts Ed Mitchell, an avowed ufologist, and Harrison Schmitt, who had also served as a U.S. senator from New Mexico a decade earlier, didn’t fret too much about the reputational risks of talking openly about whether the government had captured an alien or retrieved a crashed spacecraft. For them, that was the point of being there.
There was one person at those meetings, however, who did have something to lose by attending: Harry Reid, then serving his second term as a U.S. senator from Nevada.
Reid had been introduced to Bigelow by a well-known Nevada TV journalist named George Knapp, who had written extensively on the subject of UFOs over the years and had recently secured some Russian government documents purporting to shed light on the topic. Knapp knew from covering Reid’s career that the senator had a curiosity about the subject. Reid accepted Bigelow’s invitation, but not before making clear to Knapp that his participation must remain secret. Knapp honored that agreement for the past quarter century until Reid recounted his odyssey in detail over a series of interviews with me in recent months.
“This guy named Bigelow is doing an event at his conference room and has been inviting a bunch of people to talk about these unidentified flying objects,” Reid told me in a recent interview. “He had some people with some weird ideas. Not scientific. A few oddballs. I listened to some of the presentations. That’s how I got started.”
In its way, Reid’s decision to fraternize with the group was as professionally reckless as anything that might have been happening outside on the Vegas Strip. Reid, then 55, had aspirations to lead the Democratic Party. The stuff being discussed around him was pop-culture shorthand for pure nuttiness.
“I had my staff, I had lots of people who said: ‘You are going to get yourself in trouble, stay the hell away from that,’” Reid told me. “A lot of people said it would ruin my career.”
Over the next few years, Reid told me, he went to multiple such meetings. As Bigelow, Alexander and the others were publishing obscure journal articles and compiling a database of UFO sightings, the most influential member of the group quietly broached the topic with some of his colleagues in Washington, including former astronaut and Senator John Glenn. Reid ultimately enlisted the support of a handful of powerful committee chairs, including Ted Stevens of Alaska and Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, to fund hush-hush UFO research inside the Defense Department. The existence of that program was revealed publicly by POLITICO and the New York Times in mid-December 2017. One of the program’s main beneficiaries was an aerospace company owned by none other than Robert Bigelow.
Next month, the director of national intelligence, acting at the behest of Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, is scheduled to release a report that collects from across the government all relevant material on what the officials now call “unidentified aerial phenomena.” Regardless of what ultimately emerges in this report—whether it’s a trove of blockbuster reveals or a disappointing dud—the mere prospect has catalyzed a wave of mainstream coverage of government UFO research, from the New Yorker to “60 Minutes.” A bewildering and still highly controversial subject has achieved a surprising level of public respectability as a national security concern.
Reid had retired by the time his secret role in the program was revealed. But his willingness to talk openly now about the subject speaks to a profound change in the calculus of political and reputational risk. Far from a blot on his career, Reid sees it as a line to highlight on his legislative résumé and he has no regrets about Bigelow benefiting from the program.
“I think that I have opened the door to people not being afraid to talk about it,” Reid now says. “I know that when I first got involved in this, people in the military were afraid to mention it for fear of it hurting their promotions. But now the Pentagon has told them they should report all these things that they see that are unusual. So we made a tremendous amount of progress.”

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Парад террористической организации, до сих пор не запрещённой в России, по случаю великой «Победы», тем более примечателен, что эта организация ни только не имеет к палестинцам никакого отношения, но и активно поддерживается властями Израиля, города которого они небезуспешно засыпали ракетами во время последней 11-дневной войны.

Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.


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