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PC Gamer magazine's new issue is on sale now: Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

 PC Gamer magazine's new issue is on sale now: Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

Plus: Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, Helldivers 2, Manor Lords, Dungeonborne, Pacific Drive, Kingmakers, and much more!

This month PC Gamer gets world-exclusive access to the epic new Dawntrail expansion for Final Fantasy XIV. With new lands, cities, jobs, dungeons, threats, gear, activities, and more on offer, there's never been a better time to heed the call of adventure in this long-running and respected RPG. PC Gamer talks directly with Final Fantasy XIV's director and producer, Naoki Yoshida, to get the authoritative inside scoop and learn what Dawntrail's exciting new arc has in store for gamers.

PC Gamer magazine Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

(Image credit: Future)

If that wasn't enough epic fantasy adventure for one issue, we've also got a huge feature on Shadow of the Erdtree in this mag, too. From an authoritative lore deepdive, to detailed trailer analysis, and onto an exploration of all the confirmed new content PC gamers are soon going to get their hands on, this is the ultimate guide to Elden Ring's hot new expansion.

PC Gamer magazine Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

(Image credit: Future)

This issue is stuffed with top previews, too, including a thrilling first look at much-wanted new medieval build, fight and rule-'em-up, Manor Lords, as well as Breachway, Dungeonborne, Plane Accident, Age of Mythology: Retold, Kingmakers and SpellRogue. While over in this issue's reviews section the PC Gamer team delivers authoritative verdicts on Pacific Drive, Tomb Raider I-III Remastered, Skull & Bones, Helldivers 2, Balatro, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, Last Epoch, and Persona 3 Reload, among other games.

PC Gamer magazine Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

(Image credit: Future)

PC Gamer magazine Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

(Image credit: Future)

All that plus a group test on Nvidia's new 40-series Super GPUs, an augment-filled reinstall of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, an action-filled continuation of the space adventures of astro-rogue Jett Johnson in a new Starfield diary entry, a detailed look at Rainbow Six Siege's game-changing new update, a fascinating deep dive into the deckbuilding phenomenon of the moment, Balatro, a comprehensive guide to catching them all in Palworld as well as how to build you own base optimally, a secret level explainer on how developers implement difficult curves in games, the latest dispatch from The Spy, and much more too. Enjoy the issue!

PC Gamer magazine Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

(Image credit: Future)

Issue 395 is on shelves now and available on all your digital devices from the App Store and Zinio. You can also order directly from Magazines Direct or purchase a subscription to save yourself some cash, receive monthly deliveries, and get incredibly stylish subscriber-only covers.

Enjoy the issue!


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