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Mikey’s Hook-Up is located within the Williamsburg neighbor hood of Manhattan.


Mikey’s Hook-Up is located within the Williamsburg neighbor hood of Manhattan.

Under one roof you’ll find electric electric electric guitar strings, audio interfaces, hard disk drives, pro recording media, printer ink, photo paper, pro audio-video and computer cables much more than standard sizes and an unbelievable choice of difficult to get adapters. Did we males. more

In one place you’ll find electric electric electric guitar strings, audio interfaces, hard drives, pro recording media, printer ink, photo paper, pro audio-video and computer cables much more than standard sizes and an amazing collection of difficult to find adapters. Did we mention the DJ record needles, turntables, home entertainment add-ons and microphones along side a big variety of computer wireless networking hardware? Additionally on display could be the family that is latest of Apple computer systems and add-ons.

Williamsburg Description

As Manhattan became increasingly upscale and overwhelmingly high priced, the newest York intelligentsia and underclassmen that are creative increasing seemed to help make Brooklyn their property. The area that includes—arguably—taken the brunt regarding the exodus from Manhattan could be the area that is northern of. Now a haven for starving performers and hipsters, a nearby has redefined and rebranded it self into one of many hotspots of Brooklyn, with pubs, real time music, and restaurants spawning in direct percentage towards the rise in the now well-established feeling of Williamsburg community.

In the event that climate’s agreeable, you are able to visit McCarren Park to toss the ol’ baseball around or view the hipsters that are many Williamsburg’s Kickball League lounge and pose their option to triumph. The park’s pool is splendid, and there is a new, year-round activity center. The Brooklyn Brewery, where Williamsburg’s beer of choice has been make for two decades after running around on the grass or watching other people run around, it might be time for a trip to the borough’s preferred brewery. The brewery provides staffed tastings on Friday evenings, also tours regarding the brewery it self.

In the event that climate’s disagreeable, you could be looking for some brand new threads. No perspiration in stylish Williamsburg! Search for Beacon’s cabinet on 11th Street for many great thrift-store shopping or indigenous string Brooklyn Industries for brand new fashions. Fashion-forward Francophiles will burst their pocketbooks on the alternatives at Jumelle and Noisette. For all chasing an even more urban elegant, Williamsburg’s own Triple Five Soul needs to do the key.


Possibly your wallet’s heart is not in attire and craves music alternatively. Williamsburg favorites Earwax Records and Academy Annex will satiate probably the most eclectic of musical preferences with brand brand brand new and utilized CDs, LPs, and DVDs. Ah, but absolutely absolutely nothing has a greater fidelity than real time music, therefore always check out of the Music Hall Of Williamsburg, where national indie functions like Dr. puppy and Les Savy Fav have done. For a little bit of regional music and a far more neighborhood-appropriate environment, the swank Union Pool provides real time music and a club but no swimming whatsoever.

Now, replenish your dwindling power with morning meal or meal during the esteemed egg restaurant, or decide to try more fare that is filling the recognized Peter Luger Steakhouse. There is also the punch that is one-two of restaurants Marlow & Sons, a Mediterranean cafГ©/restaurant/bar/store, and Diner, both developed by the exact same people and well-known areas of Williamsburg’s hipster pedigree. Then there is Bamonte’s for Italian, Falafel Chula for center Eastern, and Planet Thailand for Southeast Asian.

Finally, enjoy a nightcap—which that is local means a might of Pabst Blue Ribbon—at among the classic community pubs. The gaming is digital and as well-stocked as the beer selection at the Levee, you can supplement your drinks with great bar food and a game of pool, but at Barcade. The Alligator Lounge is another neighbor hood favorite and serves free personal pizzas from the oven that is wood-burning every until 3:30am. Or you’d choose an atmosphere that is subdued well-mixed cocktails—included regular potables like hot cider (spiked, needless to say)—then you really need to offer Pete’s Candy Store a spin.


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