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New York's governor jokes he'll change his name to 'Amazon Cuomo' to win the HQ2 bid, and it reveals just how desperate states are to land Amazon's second headquarters (AMZN)

New York's governor jokes he'll change his name to 'Amazon Cuomo' to win the HQ2 bid, and it reveals just how desperate states are to land Amazon's second headquarters (AMZN)

Andrew Cuomo

  • "I’ll change my name to Amazon Cuomo if that’s what it takes," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said to reporters on Monday in reference to his determination to land Amazon's second headquarters, HQ2.
  • Cities and states have proposed billions of dollars in economic incentives in an effort to woo Amazon into naming them the host of HQ2.
  • New York is reportedly still in active talks with Amazon, and the company now plans to split HQ2 between two locations, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.  

As the competition for Amazon's second headquarters heats up, cities and states are getting increasingly desperate to win over the e-commerce giant. 

"I'll change my name to Amazon Cuomo if that's what it takes," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters at an event on Monday, referring to his determination to land Amazon's second headquarters. 

The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend that New York is "still actively talking with Amazon, although it's unclear how far along they are in the process." The e-commerce giant is also reportedly in discussion with Crystal City, Virginia, and Dallas.

On Monday, The Journal reported that Amazon is planning to split its second headquarters, crowning two HQ2 winners in two separate locations. 

Amazon is in the final days of its journey to decide which city or cities will host its second headquarters, with the company saying that its pick will be made before the end of 2018.

The company has said it plans to invest over $5 billion and accommodate as many as 50,000 high-paying jobs. If the company splits its second headquarters, each location will host 25,000 jobs, The Journal reports. 

As a result, cities and states have been eager to offer Amazon massive incentives to win over the company. 

Companies are offering billions of dollars in economic incentives. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, for example, approved $6.5 billion in tax incentives for Amazon, as well as an additional $2 billion in infrastructure and transportation improvements for Montgomery County, according to The Baltimore Sun.

Read more: 7 horrible things that could happen to cities if they win Amazon's HQ2 bid

Not everyone is pleased by the lengths city and state governments are willing to go to win over Amazon. petition started by a group of elite economists earlier this year argues that cities — including the top contenders for HQ2 — should band together against such incentives because they "divert funds that could be put to better use underwriting public services such as schools, housing programs, job training, and transportation."

However, others — including Amazon and Gov. Cuomo — argue that the infusion of jobs that would accompany the new headquarters far outweighs the negatives. 

SEE ALSO: Amazon is reportedly planning on crowning 2 HQ2 winners, with 2 new headquarters in separate locations

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