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Rose, retro, and run the bases: White Sox opening week hits it out of the park

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A huge number of people around the world dream of one day breaking out of the daily routine

It’s that time year when the White Sox haven’t yet lost a game. Enjoy it while it lasts. | Quinn Harris/Getty Images

Chicago celebrates 125 years with a jam-packed schedule

Ready or not, here it comes! The Chicago White Sox will kick off the 2025 season this week with a wide variety of experiences for the opening series on March 27-30 against the Los Angeles Angels at Rate Field. Fans can look forward to a mix of baseball, freebies, and family-friendly entertainment.

We have everything you need to know right here for those heading to the park or for fans watching at home.

The home opener will take place on Thursday, March 27, at 3:10 p.m. The first 20,000 fans entering the stadium will receive a commemorative 125th Anniversary plush blanket, courtesy of BMO.

There will also be the traditional pregame ceremony, which will feature:

  • Ceremonial First Pitch: Chicago Bulls legend and 2010-11 NBA MVP Derrick Rose will take the mound.
  • Ford Drive Around: Manager Will Venable and the White Sox players will tour the field in Ford Broncos.
  • Flyover: The Illinois Army National Guard will perform a flyover with three UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters.

Additionally, the Sox Split guaranteed jackpot, presented by Wintrust, will start at $50,000, benefiting Chicago White Sox Charities (CWSC). Early-bird raffle ticket sales are available online, offering fans a chance to win some cool prizes if they purchase tickets before the first pitch.

The 125th-anniversary celebrations continue on Saturday, March 29, at 1:10 p.m., with the first 15,000 fans receiving a 1907 replica jersey, presented by RUSH. Country music artist Cooper Alan will throw out the ceremonial first pitch.

The series concludes on Sunday, March 30, at 1:10 p.m. with the first Coca-Cola Family Sunday and Kids Opening Day. The day is dedicated to families, offering a range of activities designed to engage both children and adults. Highlights include:

  • Kids Parade: A pregame parade on the warning track.
  • Kids Press Conference: An exclusive press conference for Kids Club members featuring White Sox players, presented by Physicians Immediate Care.
  • In-Game Videoboard Features: Interactive features like a dance cam and player headshots illustrated by local students.
  • T-Shirt Design Stations: Kids can create their own Sox-themed apparel on the outfield concourse.

Additionally, Coca-Cola Family Sundays throughout the season will feature specially priced tickets, and a postgame Kids Run the Bases promotion. Fans can also enjoy balloon artists, face painters, appearances by mascot Southpaw, and the Junior PA Announcer program, presented by Toyota.

Single-game tickets for the opening series are still available, and fans can purchase them now at whitesox.com/tickets. The weather looks to be tolerable for Thursday, with a bit of rain possible in the morning and warming to around 50º at game time.

For fans heading to The Rate for the series on the day of the home opener only, parking lots open three hours before first pitch, and gates open two hours before first pitch. For the remainder of all White Sox home games, gates open 90 minutes before games. Fans are encouraged to enter the ballpark at least 30 minutes before the scheduled first pitch to avoid the last-minute rush closer to game time. Tailgating is also permitted in White Sox-owned lots.

Regarding parking, fans are encouraged to purchase passes in advance for $27 on Monday through Saturday games and $17 on Coca-Cola Family Sundays. Limited day-of-game online/in-person parking is available in credit/debit lots for $30 on Monday through Saturday games and $20 on Coca-Cola Family Sundays. For more details on parking and to purchase passes, visit whitesox.com/parking.

Additionally, a reminder that Rate Field is cashless, and the small bag policy is still in place.

If you’re like me and will be stuck at home, queue up CHSN on Thursday at 2:00 p.m. CT for White Sox Countdown Live with Chuck Garfien and Ozzie Guillén. Then, stay tuned for the game at 3:10 p.m. The usual postgame show will commence after the completion of the contest. CHSN will also air the games on Saturday and Sunday.

Unfortunately for many Sox fans, CHSN is still not widely accessible. The network is reportedly still in negotiations with Comcast, but no deal has been struck yet with them, Hulu, or YouTube TV. That leaves South Siders who do not want to purchase a direct subscription with CHSN with options to buy an antenna or subscribe to Fubo, DirectTV, U-verse, or Astound Broadband. At least the radio is still free, so tune in to Len Kasper and Darrin Jackson on the call at ESPN 1000.


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