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Dramatic moment mass brawl breaks out after Thai woman’s ‘TWO husbands’ find out about each other…and her Brit boyfriend


THIS is the dramatic moment that a mass brawl breaks out after a woman’s two husbands find out about each other – and her Brit boyfriend.

The confrontation exploded in Thailand after the unnamed woman drunkenly dared her two husbands to come meet her other man – who takes one of them down with a swift judo move.

During the altercation, one of the husbands (grey jacket) kicks a table out of anger[/caption]
The wife gets caught in a sticky situation, and throws a beer bottle at one of her husbands which makes things worse[/caption]
The Brit boyfriend comes to his girlfriend’s rescue and wrestlers one of her husbands to the ground[/caption]
The kids who were playing nearby watched on as the adults solved their issues with violence

The crazy footage shows the two husbands storm into a market in Surin on January 5, before the Thai wife hurled a beer bottle at one and wrestled with the other.

Several locals can be seen desperately trying to break up the bizarre brawl, as her also drunk and grey-haired Brit beau tries to separate the squabble.

Then, the Brit yanks one of the husbands out of the crowd and effortlessly brings him to the floor in one swift motion.

The Brit then climbs on top of him and holds him to the ground in what looks to be a kid’s play area – as the tots stared on in terror.

The wife was allegedly heard saying in one of the phone calls: “Stop bothering me, I can be anywhere I want. It is my life.”

Eyewitness, Supredee Tookmai said: “She hung up after the call and drank beer with the foreigner.

“Shortly after, there was another phone call, and she dared her two husbands to meet her. They actually did.

“Her child told me the woman tricked the two Thai husbands. 

“She only took their money. When they were poor, she abandoned them and found a new boyfriend.”

According to the witness, the woman in the video refused to take responsibility for her boyfriend’s injury. Only her child contacted the couple to apologise.

The woman’s child also revealed that his mother and her two husbands lived together harmoniously until the foreign man entered the relationship, which led to jealousy and altercation.

The husband seen in the grey jacket was cut by the broken beer bottle she threw, but it is understood that he was not seriously injured.

The bottle narrowly missed hitting the woman filming the video, who screamed in shock.

The beer husband flies into a fit of rage and tries to wrestle with his equally engaged wife, before being taken away and dealt with by the Brit.

The other husband, seen in a blue-and-white-striped shirt, doesn’t put up the same fight as the man in the grey.

As his wife’s other husband is taken out by the grey-haired mystery man, he simply stands aimlessly watching the encounter unfold.

Reports further note that the Brit is an ex-patriate.

Officers at the local station later said they were unaware of the incident as no report had been filed.

Locals watched on as the brawl unfolded, whilst some tried to calm it down[/caption]
The other husband, seen in the blue shirt with the raised arm, escaped a beatdown, unlike the man in grey[/caption]


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