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Sky Got To Dance star who performed for Davina McCall and Ashley Banjo dies aged 45 as tributes pour in


A “WORLD class” performer who starred in Sky’s Got To Dance show has died aged 45.

Leon Heywood was part of the Trinity Warriors Dance Academy that reached the semi-finals of the show in 2011.

Facebook / Leon Heywood
Leon Heywood has died aged 45[/caption]
He was described as a ‘founding father’ of the dance group
Facebook / Leon Heywood
Heartfelt tributes are pouring in for the choreographer and dancer[/caption]

Judges Davina McCall, Kimberly Wyatt and Diversity’s Ashley Banjo adored his choreography, describing their performances as “the best seen on a live round to date”.

The show saw aspiring dancers competing over multiple rounds for a £250,000 prize.

The show ran from 2009 through to 2014.

But the dance group confirmed in a statement on Wednesday that their “founding father” had tragically died.

They said: “It is with great regret we would like to inform you of the passing of Leon Heywood, one of the academy’s founding fathers.

“Leon was such an incredible person and he was an inspiration to every single one of us, from students to parents, to supporters and the dance community as a whole, he inspired so many of us and was everyone’s biggest support.

“To many of you he wasn’t just a dance teacher, he was a mentor, a friend, a role model, some of you thought of him as a father figure or a big brother and he loved every single one of you.

“Leon helped pave the way for so many of us and shaped us into not only the dancers we are today but also contributed into shaping us all into the people we are today.

“His students have gone on to do incredible things and even if your path didn’t continue in dance he was proud of us all and what we have all accomplished.”

The statement added: “Please also allow Leon’s family and close ones time to grieve at this difficult time, all your messages and kind words are being read and are appreciated and loved at this difficult time. Leon’s life will be celebrated and through us all and his legacy will live on forever…

“Rest in eternal peace Leon aka ‘Boogie’ T’s up forever and always.”

Friends have also taken to social media to pay tribute to the popular dancer.

One said: “Absolutely gutted, Leon was such a great guy. He was so patient, kind and funny… and will be missed greatly.

“My thoughts go out to all of you at Trinity, and Leon’s family and friends.”

Another wrote: “From a fellow past Warrior, I miss you bro. You did so much for me and everybody you were associated with.”

A third said: “It was so sad to hear this news – had known Leon through the dancing as my youngest son was also involved through another dance school.

“We met at different events over the years and he was definitely a big inspiration to those he taught and mentored. They all loved him.”

Facebook / Leon Heywood
Leon reached the semi-finals of Got to Dance[/caption]


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