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I’m a 75-year-old pole dancing nan – trolls say I’m an embarrassment but nothing will stop me stripping down


A NAN has been brutally called ”an embarrassment” to her family for pole dancing at 75.

Meet Starr Stauffer Wise, 75-year-old widow from Colorado, the US, who picked up the unlikely athletic activity during the pandemic.

The 75-year-old had thought about pole dancing for a while – until she finally took it up in 2021
Starr now encourages others to do the same after the hobby turned her life upside down

Starr – who has wanted to try pole dancing before – explained that being alone with two cats during Covid-19 was a lonely time in her life.

However, as restrictions began to ease in February, 2021, the nan stumbled upon an article in a newspaper – and it turned her life upside down.

“The article was about a local pole dancer, Diane Martin, who also happened to be a pastor,” she said.

“Diane started her pole dancing journey when she was nearly 50, and now, at 64, she’s my private instructor. She’s the brains behind Pole Revolution.

“When I read that piece, I was beyond excited.

“It jogged my memory about an old dream of mine — pole dancing, which had been on my bucket list for years but somehow got pushed to the back burner.

“I initially thought, ‘Could I even do this?'”

The OAP, whose beloved husband passed away almost two decades ago, grappled with medical issues including rheumatoid arthritis in her wrists and hands, a deformed right hand due to arthritis, and a history of osteoporosis.

“I decided to text the Pole Revolution studio to check if there was an age limit,” she said.

“To my delight, they said there wasn’t one. Without wasting any time, I signed up for an intro class that week.

“I had no clue if I could pull it off at my age and with my medical history, but I not only managed but got totally hooked.

“I couldn’t get enough, so I signed up for a whole package of classes.”

Since then, her journey into pole dancing three times a week not only transformed her physically – but also provided mental and emotional benefits, with the granny also posting content on Instagram, where her page has won Starr close to 30k followers.

Pole dancing in my lounge — where I have a pole set up — and classes help me so much with anxiety,” she confessed.

“It’s a lot of fun.

“I get great support from the pole dancing community and enjoy learning new tricks.

“When you are doing pole tricks, your mind has to be completely on what you are doing, so those bad things going on in your brain must be gone.”

‘Grandkids must be proud’

However, the nan’s new hobby has not come without its criticism – as Starr revealed that she’s even had some of her family ”turn away from contact” with her.

On Instagram, too, she’s faced backlash, with trolls jokingly saying her ”grandkids must be proud”.

”Nothing like telling your friends your great grandma is a stripper, real class act.”

But despite the criticism and clouded misconceptions about pole dancing, particularly when it comes to seniors participating in the sport, Starr and her fellow pole dancers challenge stereotypes – and there is no stopping them.

The nan’s inspiring story proves that our lives can take an unexpected turn at any moment – and sometimes for the best.

“My advice for anyone hesitant to try something new, especially later in life, is to do it,” she said.

“It may not be pole dancing, but don’t put it off if you’ve always wanted to try something.

“I never thought I would perform in an East Hollywood or Beverly Hills club and I certainly never thought I’d go to Los Angeles and perform at The Comedy Pole Show and get a standing ovation.

“I’ve met celebrities. I’ve met the most wonderful pole people. I’m famous on Instagram.”


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