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The Lagos State Materials Testing Laboratory Agency (LSMTL) has opened a web registration portal for all its test activities as part of the strategy to meet the teaming demand of conducting building materials tests across the State.
Speaking at the unveiling of the web portal registration during the eGIS retreat 2.0, which was held at the 21st Century Technologies Lekki, General Manager of LSMTL, Engr. Olayinka Abdul stated that the initiative was targeted at an automated modality for fighting against mediocrity that often caused buildings’ collapse across Lagos State.
She said, “This is a software application capturing data and tracking buildings for seamless execution of the LSMTL’s mandate in checking building materials for quality assurance of long-lasting structures.  Therefore, all Stakeholders such as our potential clients and LSMTL’s agents, are fully embedded as recipients of this initiative”.
“As the citadel of materials testing in Lagos, we want well-conducted activities in Geotechnical investigations, that is why the introduction of a streamlined regulatory framework using area codes and results from tests to identify peculiarities of the Lagos terrain in mapping specified types of construction to be erected within each settlement area as part of the process in averting buildings’ collapse”.
Engr. Abdul added that data collation was a pertinent tool used in determining the accuracy of results as it affects each area, especially if real construction time was sought.
“Data collation helps in averting disaster, especially by synchronizing process amongst agencies of Government involved in construction to form a synergy fo detailed settlement pattern across the Lagos built industry. Invariably, all longitude and latitude of each building are being captured to reflect basic information as part of the delineation process with other sister Agencies such as LABSCA and LASPPPA”.
While describing the platform as transparent and easily accessible to customers, the General Manager implored that all payments be made solely on the portal, which is also connected to the Alpha Beta portal of the State Government and not into individual or consultants’ pockets.
She warned practising professionals to get their COREN certification, as any form of subpar services rendered will warrant severe sanctions from their professional bodies.
Earlier in his address, the Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on eGIS and Urban Development, Dr. Olajide Abiodun Babatunde, informed that geographic information service was developed to fully harness the power of technology and quality of life for Lagos residents.
He said, “Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu has a public trust which is fostered by what every Ministry, Department and Agencies of Government do to ensure we build on existing work and common platforms for information sharing and enhanced services, which is the focus of this two-day retreat”.


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