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No negotiations under way with PTI at any level, says Tarar


• Accuses PTI of undermining relations with friendly countries
• Lawyers’ body condemns lockdowns, calls for dialogue

ISLAMABAD: The government isn’t holding any negotiations with Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) at any level, Information Minister Attaullah Tarar said on Saturday, reiterating the government’s zero-tolerance stance on illegal protests and sit-ins in the federal capital.

Addressing a news conference, Mr Tarar said that Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, acting on Islamabad High Court (IHC) directives, contacted PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali to convey that public gatherings in Islamabad were prohibited.

Stressing that the protests were illegal, Mr Tarar warned that participants in violent protests would face arrest and legal action, as the government would not tolerate actions jeopardising public safety, the APP news agency reported. He warned that government officials involved in political activities would also face strict action.

The minister criticised PTI’s decision to hold a protest coinciding with the visit of Belarusian President Alexander Luka­shen­­ko, calling it an attempt to sow di­­­scord with friendly countries. “It is baffling that a protest is planned on the same day a friendly country seeks to enha­nce cooperation,” he remarked.

He stated that PTI and the country’s enemies shared the same goal of hindering economic progress. He mentioned that Be­­larus is Pakistan’s close ally, and preparations have been finalised to welcome the Belarusian president in Islamabad.

He said Belarus and Pakistan are planning to jointly manufacture tractors. “While the administration prepares to welcome Belarusian guests, it also ensures citizens’ security. Can the system function effectively under such conditions?” he questioned.

The minister said that the investment was flowing into Pakistan, the economy was growing, inflation had dropped from over 30 per cent last year to 6.9pc this year, and foreign remittances totalled $8.8 billion in the first quarter. “The economy is improving due to lower interest rates, and these figures cannot be disputed,” he said.

He claimed that the Pakistan Stock Exchange is currently the second-best performing in the wo­­rld, and its growth reflected im­­pr­ovements in economic indicators.

Mr Tarar criticised the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government for neglecting law and order, particularly in the wake of a deadly attack in Kurram Agency that killed 37 people.

“The (KP) chief minister has not visited the victims in Para­chinar. The province must prioritise security over politics,” Mr Tarar said, adding that Pakistan Army soldiers were sacrificing their lives to protect the people.

He warned that public resentment in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa against PTI’s policies would soon surface and stressed that if PTI wanted to protest, it should be in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, as attacks on the federation wouldn’t be tolerated.

Responding to a question, he claimed that PTI was divided into the Aleema, Nooreen and Bushra Bibi groups.

Lawyers’ body condemns lockdowns

Mian Muhammad Rauf Atta, president of the Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan (SCBAP), expressed grave concern over the ongoing lockdowns, road blockades and rising political tensions.

In a strongly worded statement, he criticised the restrictions on citizens’ rights, including the freedom of movement guaranteed under Article 15 of the Constitution.

“The capital has been turned into a war zone, with hotels, hostels and public transport shut down, and communication channels reportedly set to be halted. Such measures are undemocratic and unacceptable,” he remarked.

Acknowledging the government’s responsibility to maintain law and order, Rauf Atta stressed that restricting public movement was not a viable solution. He welcomed the recent order by the Islamabad High Court, which directed authorities to ensure security with minimal disruption to citizens’ lives.

The SCBAP also took a strong stance against the ongoing political protests. Without naming a specific party, Rauf Atta criticised the repeated attempts by a political group to hold rallies and sit-ins in Islamabad, disrupting the lives of ordinary citizens and exacerbating Pakistan’s economic struggles.

“Article 16 of the Constitution protects freedom of assembly, but this cannot be misused to push political agendas at the expense of public peace and economic stability,” he added.

The SCBAP president also called on the Khyber Pakhtun­khwa government to reconsider its support for marches targeting the federal capital. He urged the provincial administration to prioritise security concerns, particularly after the Kurram attack.

Rauf Atta appealed for dialogue and negotiation among all parties to de-escalate the situation. “Better sense must prevail to prevent unnecessary chaos and the waste of valuable resources,” he said.

The SCBAP also urged political leaders to withdraw plans for further protests, including a major rally scheduled for today and encouraged authorities to restore normalcy.

Published in Dawn, November 24th, 2024


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