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‘Chevron gas station is better you could get a dollar off per gallon’: Man shares little-used hack for Shell gas. Does it work?


New England-based TikToker Adam (@adam6two6) couldn't contain his exuberance after discovering how much money he could save at Shell gas stations.

In a viral TikTok that's accrued over 400,000 views, he detailed his savings. While he urged others to sign up for the chain's Fuel Rewards programs, commenters said there are better savings elsewhere.

The Shell discount life

Firstly, Adam thanks the person who told him to sign up for the rewards at Shell gas stations before explaining why.

In the clip, he shows off the prices for gasoline at a pump. "$3.99 is the full price. After my dumb a-- finally signed up for the rewards, I've been farming XP," he says.

He then shows a revised price point at the pump: $3.649. "It's like 30 cents difference brother. Savings," he says, smiling and pointing to the camera. "The rich get richer. My name should be Richard."

Fuel Rewards

Shell, like many gas station brands, gives repeat customers the chance to save on fill-ups. The more you pour, the better discounts you'll receive. The program, which is free to sign up for gives a standard 3 cents off per gallon discount. Then, if you're filling up with the brand's V-Power Nitro+ gasoline, you'll get 5 cents off each gallon. However, that's only after 3 fills with this gasoline. Otherwise, you'll only unlock this tier after six fill-ups.

Then, you can knock 10 cents off per gallon once you reach 6 fill-ups of the Nitro+ gasoline. But if you fill up 12 times with any other type of gas, you can still enjoy 10 cents off per gallon.

You can monitor and manage your Fuel Rewards via the gas brand's mobile application.

Of course, there are several other fuel savings programs you can sign up for, too. If you're an Amazon Prime member who carries its corresponding credit card, you can start saving 10 cents a gallon too. These savings are valid at various BP, Amoco, and AMPM locations. However, it's not an instant discount just by purchasing gas with your Prime credit card.

Folks will need their Prime Visa card to an Earnify account. On Amazon's "Fuel Savings" web page, it states that using Earnify's mobile application when purchasing gas "is optional" after your accounts are linked. Once that's been set up, customers can indeed use the Earnify mobile application at the pump to enjoy the discounts. Similarly, purchasing gas directly through the Earnify app will knock some cash off of your bill. Also, drivers can punch the phone number associated with their Earnify account.

Viewers think there are better deals

One person stated that Chevron-Texaco stations feature even higher rewards possibilities for its customers. "Chevron gas station is better you could get a dollar off per gallon," one wrote.

Another user was surprised by how much gasoline costs in Adam's area. "That’s some expensive gas, it’s 2.30 in Texas," they said.

Someone else mentioned another discount gas alternative—purchasing it from membership-based club retailers. "Costco the only way," one commented.

While one user mentioned that their mobile phone provider also features gas discounts for users: "And if you got T-moblie that T-life be coming in clutch."

@adam6two6 Shell v power >> #bmwmotorsport #m340i #xdrive #carsoftiktok ♬ original sound - Adam

So the moral of the story is that you could be leaving money on the table. With all of the retail loyalty programs constantly popping up, there are tons of potential for savings.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Shell via email and Adam via TikTok comment.

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The post ‘Chevron gas station is better you could get a dollar off per gallon’: Man shares little-used hack for Shell gas. Does it work? appeared first on The Daily Dot.


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