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Daisy May Cooper shares major Halloween blunder that left kids in hospital after trick or treating went horribly wrong


IT’S all part of the fun of Halloween.

But Daisy May Cooper has admitted not all trick and treat outings go smoothly, as she recalled one instance which ended with kids being rushed to hospital.

Daisy May Cooper has opened up about a Halloween blunder which concluded with some kids being rushed to hospital
It happened when her dad offered trick or treaters some “Spooky Juice” he’d seen left out for the occasion
Radio 2 host Zoe was in hysterics as Daisy reached the denouement of her story

“My mum always goes all out at Halloween for the kids in the cul-de-sac,” the This Country star explained.

“And this year, Dad had to sort of take over with the trick-or-treaters.”

So when the trick or treaters came to the door, and her dad noticed a bottle on the side labelled “Spooky Juice”, he offered them a glass.

He also had some himself, and thought it tasted “sweet, but a bit weird”.

He then went upstairs, and told his wife, “I don’t think much of that Spooky Juice!”

At which point she gasped: “What do you mean? That’s the liquid for the smoke machine!”

So he ended up “poisoning” the “poor trick-or-treaters”, Daisy told Zoe Ball on her BBC Radio 2 show.

He then had to go to the kids’ house to explain, at which point they were carted off to hospital.

“I mean, what an idiot,” she laughed.

“What an absolute… I mean, poisoning kids at Halloween?!”

“But it did say spooky juice. I mean, what would you think that was?” Zoe said, struggling to contain her laughter.

As singer Rick Astley, who was also a guest on the radio show, joked: “I’d love a shot of spooky juice.

“That sounds amazing to me!”

“Anyone else fancy a cold glass of ‘Spooky Juice’? Maybe leave the drinks to mum next time!” the caption read as a video of the hilarious interview was shared to TikTok.

Daisy is no stranger to opening up about hilarious family incidents on the soundwaves, as she also recently spoke to Josh Widdicombe and Rob Beckett on their Parenting Hell podcast.

She said that when she’d seen a caravan up for sale for £3,000, she and her partner decided to snap it up, and it wasn’t long until they were planning their first trip.

Daisy May Cooper's family

Daisy married her long-term partner Will Weston in September 2019. Together they share daughter Pip, born in 2018, and son Jack Michael, born in 2020.

The couple separated in July 2021.

After her divorce, Daisy met her now boyfriend Anthony Huggins, who she shares her four-moth-old son Benji with. Through this relationship, she also acts as a step-mum to Anthony’s older children.

The holiday, which Daisy described as one “big mistake”, had taken place before she’d given birth to her youngest child – so it was her and her partner, her two kids and two stepchildren.

“It was an absolute disaster because we didn’t put the legs down on it,” she said, before revealing there was only one place in the caravan that you could pick up 4G.

“The problem was when we took them away, all they want to do is watch f**king YouTube and they’ve all got specific things (they want to watch),” Daisy explained, as she summed up the break as an “absolute f**king nightmare”.

The 38-year-old actress is known for her hilarious tales[/caption]


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