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Senator JD Vance Destroys Fake News NBC on Trump’s Lawfare (VIDEO)

Screenshot: Meet the Press

In a recent episode of NBC’s Meet the Press, Senator JD Vance joined Kristen Welker for a discussion that quickly turned into a heated debate.

The conversation revolved around the controversial prosecution of former President Donald Trump in New York.

Vance questioned the legitimacy of the prosecution, stating, “One of the main guys was a Department of Justice official in the Biden administration who jumped ship to join a local prosecutor’s office to go after Donald Trump. Yet the DOJ told, ‘That doesn’t make you question the legitimacy of the prosecution.’ That’s a problem.”

Recall, The Department of Justice (DOJ) has conducted an internal investigation and allegedly found no evidence of collusion between its officials, including Joe Biden‘s DOJ hatchet man, Matthew Colangelo, and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office.

The Gateway Pundit reported in April 2023 that Colangelo was the linchpin in the “get Trump” movement in New York, hired by Bragg’s office in December 2022 to spearhead politically motivated investigations against former President Donald Trump.

Bragg’s top prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, was the Former Acting Associate Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice and is a lifelong left-wing activist.

Colangelo’s past is littered with partisan actions, from his role in indicting Americans for praying outside abortion clinics to his involvement in numerous witch-hunt investigations into President Trump.

Despite this mounting evidence, the DOJ has decided to turn a blind eye. They’ve conducted what they call a “comprehensive search” for email communications between their leadership, including Colangelo, and the District Attorney’s office regarding any investigation or prosecution of President Trump. Of course, they found none.

Biden’s gestapo DOJ claimed that it did not supervise the work of the District Attorney’s office or approve its charging decisions. It also highlighted that it did not control the District Attorney just as much as the District Attorney did not control the Department.

During the interview, Welker countered JD Vance by stating that it is common for people to be appointed from Washington.

“The DOJ told Congress this week it reviewed all communications since Biden took office and found no contact between federal prosecutors and those involved with that case in New York. Can you stick to the substance of the question, though?”

“Let me just ask because I just want to stick with this line of theory that you are laying out, which is you are saying it’s not okay for Joe Biden to weaponize the Justice Department. If it’s not okay for Joe Biden to weaponize the Justice Department, as you say, which there’s no evidence of that, why is it okay for Donald Trump to do that?”

Vance, however, challenged this assertion.

“First of all, you said that it happens all the time that the number three person in the Department of Justice jumps ship to join a local prosecutor’s office to go after the President’s political opponent. I don’t think that’s ever happened in the history of American democracy, and I don’t think that we should legitimize it.”

“Now, if Donald Trump’s attorney general had his number two or his number three jump ship to a local prosecutor’s office in Ohio or Wisconsin, and that person then went after Donald Trump’s political opposition, that’s a different conversation. All he’s suggesting is that we should investigate credible arguments of wrongdoing. That’s all that Donald Trump is saying. That is not a threat to democracy. That’s merely reinforcing our system of law and government.”


The post Senator JD Vance Destroys Fake News NBC on Trump’s Lawfare (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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