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I’m 47 & look younger now than I did in my 30s – my go-to treatment actually changed the structure of my skin


A 47-YEAR-OLD woman has revealed the treatment that reversed the signs of aging on her skin.

She raved that the at-home beautifying process gave her a visibly smoother and plumper appearance.

A woman revealed the DIY treatment that left her skin looking up to a decade younger (stock image)[/caption]

She shared her anti-aging advice on Reddit’s 45 Plus Skincare forum after a user asked how they could improve the condition of their “crepey neck.”


The beauty fan said she had been using a microneedling pen for three years alongside tretinoin.

“Honestly my skin looks younger now than in my 30s,” she wrote using the handle SavorySour

“Microneedling is almost the only treatment that actually changed the structure of my skin. 

“It made it smoother and plump. 

“You can do it professionally with better results but more money. It works for every age range.

“Tretinoin is also very effective but the tolerance may vary per individual.”

The 47-year-old gushed about having seen an improvement in her skin after just one microneedling session.

She revealed her skin also became tighter by introducing face yoga and a pricey serum into her routine. 

“I use estée Lauder serum and I must say this is the most hydrating serum I ever had, sometimes that is the only product I use at night,” she said.

“I take hyaluronic acid pills and collagen. The collagen really helps, I have no idea for the hyaluronic acid.”

She said her topical skincare products wouldn’t be as effective if she wasn’t also doing microneedling. 

“I am even planning on trying to fix my maternity belly with microneedling,” she said.

“You are never too old to feel pretty!

“All creams on their own (aside from Tretinoin) can’t really address that issue. 

“They can hydrate and protect, make it look a tad better because of that but that doesn’t ‘reverse’-  microneedling does.”

What is microneedling?

According to Healthline, microneedling is a “minimally invasive” treatment that uses small needles to stimulate collagen in the skin.

The treatment can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and improve skin elasticity.

Professional microneedling sessions last around 2 hours and cost up to $800 each.

Following the treatment, collagen production may continue for 3 to 6 months. 

Doing microneedling at home comes with an increased risk of infection.


She revealed that she uses the Dr. Pen A7 at home because she can’t afford professional microneedling.

The device costs $179.95 on the Dr. Pen website, where it has a perfect 5-star rating.

“If you want to try it, start with a roller and read A LOT about the protocol,” she said.

“You can’t go deep in some areas and you need to be very careful with the products you use afterward (nothing during).”

Many people upvoted the Redditor’s post and among the commenters was one person describing microneedling as “amazing.”

Another beauty enthusiast thanked the woman for convincing them they should swap their derma roller for microneedling.

Dr. Pen Ultima A7 has a perfect 5-star rating on the brand’s website and costs $179.95
Dr. Pen


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