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I thought I’d hit the jackpot when I bought a cute travel bag from the charity shop – I was stunned when I looked inside


A WOMAN has revealed that she bought a really cute, pink travel bag from a charity shop.

But when the second-hand shopper looked inside the Tripp hand luggage bag, which would be perfect for a short weekend away, she was gobsmacked at what she found.

A woman has been left gagging after she looked inside a travel bag she bought from a charity shop
The mother, who is from the UK, issued an urgent warning to those shopping second-hand, leaving social media users in hysterics[/caption]

Clearly horrified at the discovery, the woman, who is from the UK, took to social media to alert others, leaving many totally stunned.

Posting online under the username ‘Terriers and Tweed’, the bargain lover gave her followers a close-up look at her new purchase.

But before she undid the zip of the bag, she issued an urgent warning to those that shop second-hand, as she advised: “Always check your charity shop purchases!”

She then said: “So I just bought this really cute, little travel bag from the charity shop, and I thought, I’ll just have a quick look inside, make sure that nothing’s been left in it.”

Seconds later, the savvy mum unzipped the bag, only to find something from the previous owner inside.

And no, it wasn’t some money, or maybe even a cute note – in fact, it was a black pair of worn knickers.

As she lifted out the knickers with her bare hands, the charity shop shopper continued: “And, oh, look!”

But not only did black thong leave the mother gagging, there was also a number of white, messy stains, on the side of the bag too. 

The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @terriersandtweed, has clearly left many open-mouthed, as it was shared just one day ago, but has quickly amassed almost 44,000 views.

Social media users were horrified at the woman’s discovery, but many took to the comments to make light of the situation. 

One person joked: “A gift.”

To this, the woman replied: “From Satan!!” 

Another added: “Never buy luggage from [charity shops]. Too many horror stories.” 

Whilst a third commented: “And you touched it.”

Top charity shop tips for bagging a bargain

Ross Dutton has been a manager for Crisis's charity shops for four years and currently runs the charity's Finsbury Park shop in London.

Choose your area – As a rule of thumb, the posher the area, the better quality the clothes that are donated.

Don’t hang around – If you see something you like, buy it, as it’ll likely be gone when you come back

Look out for cut-off labels – Some of your favourite high street stores will have deals with local charity shops to donate stock that isn’t sold during their own sales. Often part of the deal is that they need to cut the labels off the clothes.

Stay at home – While some charities have their own site, like Oxfam and Crisis. many also sell from dedicated eBay stores, such as British Heart Foundation and Scope. You won’t get the range of bargains that you would get in a physical store, but if you’re looking for something specific it may be worth checking online too.

In response, the woman replied: “I know right. But I’m a mum of four. I’ve touched worse.” 

At the same time, another user sarcastically said: “Bought a bag and got a new pair of knickers… Result!!”

To this, the charity shop lover replied and joked: “If only my a** was small enough to squeeze into them!” 

Meanwhile, one user claimed: “I bought two lockers in a charity shop, got home to discover one drawer had about 15 boxes of medication in it. So dangerous.” 

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