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I lost 12st & had a glow-up after my man of 10 years dumped me – he did me a favour, guys are always sliding into my DMs


A WOMAN who had a glow up and lost 12st after being dumped says she feels “liberated” and now has guys constantly sliding into her DMs.

Laura Gunn, 30, weighed 22st 7lbs at her heaviest and was a size 24.

Laura Gunn weighed 22st 7lbs at her heaviest[/caption]
The nurse is now 10st and a size eight to 10[/caption]

She admits she became comfortable in her 10-year relationship and didn’t feel she had anyone to “impress”.

But after her ex-fiancée broke up with her she says she realised her self-worth.

Laura had tried every fad diet and struggled to lose weight so opted for a gastric bypass surgery in Lithuania after lots of research.

She had the £6.5k operation in March 2023 and is now 10st exactly and a slender size eight to 12.

And Laura says she’s even grateful her ex broke it off with her.

The intensive care nurse, from Fife, Scotland, said: “If we’d have stayed in that relationship I would have never changed.

“I would have lived a fat life. He’s done me the biggest favour.

“I’ve lost 12 stone. I’ve lost half of me. I feel liberated and happy.”

Laura had been with her ex since they were 16 and they were engaged to be married.

She said: “Everything became easy.

“I didn’t have anyone to impress anymore. I let myself go.

“I was so depressed. But I thought ‘I’m getting married, everything will be fine’.”

They were due to tie the knot but postponed their summer 2020 wedding due to the pandemic.

But in December 2020 the pair ended their 10-year relationship.

Laura said: “I was devastated but I quickly realised it was the right thing.”

Laura says her fiancee breaking up with her is the best thing that could have happened[/caption]
It inspired Laura to go on her weight loss journey[/caption]
Laura said she hated the way she dressed before she lost weight[/caption]

Laura realised they had grown apart and had a wake up call about her health after being put on blood pressure medication aged 27.

She quickly ended up in another short relationship which helped boost her confidence and gave her the push to look into weight loss surgery.

Laura did a lot of research before settling on going to the Nordbariatric Clinic, Lithuania and had a gastric bypass in March last year.

At first she found it hard to get her head around her weight loss and the changes.

But now she eats a healthy diet of home-cooked meals and hits the gym three times a week.

She said: “When I was bigger I dressed like a 50-year-old woman.

“I didn’t know who I was. My identity was all over the place.

“I never used to be able to look in the mirror. I never had any mirrors in the house.

“The person I am today is enhanced because I’m happy.

“I used to never take pride in myself.”

Laura's diet overhaul

Weight before – 22st 7lbs

Diet before – Breakfast: Skipped or two bacon and sausage rolls Lunch: McDonalds or KFC meal Dinner: Fish and chips (portion for two) Snacks: Biscuits, share bag of crisps

Weight now – 10st exactly

Diet now – Breakfast: Protein yoghurt or porridge Lunch: Chicken salad Dinner: Chicken salad Snacks: Chicken

Laura also says she’s experienced more attention since losing the weight.

“I didn’t think skinny privilege was a thing”, she admits.

“But it absolutely is. People hold doors open for you.

“My DMs have never been busier. Men definitely treat me differently.

“It’s really strange, a bit scary and overwhelming but nice.

“I have respect and love for myself.”


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