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The Best Fallout 4 VR Mods to make you think you are actually in the show

The Best Fallout 4 VR Mods to make you think you are actually in the show

An in-game image from Fallout 4. A game character holds a large two handed gun. They are wearing metal 'power amor' all over their body.

The world has gone Fallout mad as Amazon Prime’s TV rendition of everybody’s favorite post-apocalyptic video game really hit the… Continue reading The Best Fallout 4 VR Mods to make you think you are actually in the show

The post The Best Fallout 4 VR Mods to make you think you are actually in the show appeared first on ReadWrite.

An in-game image from Fallout 4. A game character holds a large two handed gun. They are wearing metal 'power amor' all over their body.

The world has gone Fallout mad as Amazon Prime’s TV rendition of everybody’s favorite post-apocalyptic video game really hit the spot. In turn, people have been coming back to the game in their droves and modding the living daylights out of it but there is a version of Fallout 4 that hasn’t had as much attention, and today we are putting that right.

Get your PCVR headset out – be that your Index, your Pimax Crystal, or even your linked-up Meta Quest 3 we are actually going into the Wasteland and we are going to make sure it looks the best it possibly can do. You can even get your Fallout backpack on if you want to really feel the part.

How to mod Fallout 4 VR

The official Fallout 4 VR version, just like the Skyrim VR edition can be modded to your heart’s content. One thing worth underlining right here is that PCVR takes a lot of juice, Your PC and headset will just melt if you try to get too silly when it comes to graphical boosts, so stay sensible and follow our lead. A lot of these mods will improve the experience, not necessarily make the game look photo-realistic.

As ever we are going to use Nexus Mods (whose prices for a premium account are rising quite dramatically next month so you might want to get in there quick – just sayin’. There you will find many more Fallout 4 VR mods than we are listing here so feel free to add more or swap out some of our suggestions to fit your circumstance more.

Best Fallout 4 VR mods

Rather than individual mods, we are going to start with a mod pack from AJC559 called the Top VR Experience. This is a 37GB download that will install a host of mods for you without any messing about. If you want a no-frills way to get your Fallout 4 VR modded, here you go.

Now onto the individual mods.

Full Player Body With IK

Fallout 4 VR's FRIK mod.

Description: FRIK brings the full player body to life in VR! Inspired by VRIK from SkyrimVR FRIK aims to bring the same level of immersion of having your body visible to Fallout 4 VR. Full body Inverse Kinematics has been implemented to animate the arms and legs based on your controller and HMD position.

This is a pretty much go-to mod and one of the first you should install. It’s been downloaded nearly 150,000 times with good reason.



Fallout 4 VRs FallUI HUD VR mod

Description: FallUI HUD for Fallout 4 VR improves the in-world displays for usage with Item Sorters.

  • Features
  • Add icon tag functionality to the item name display in the world
  • Add icon tag functionality to the quick-loot menu
  • Displays subtitles in FallUI style for item names and quick loot menu
  • Format scrap components to be displayed correctly in the visible area
  • Increases available display area for world item name display, so the item name, icon, and subtitle have more space
  • Compatible with any Item Sorter

We all know Bethesda games come with janky UIs but we still love them. However, combine that with VR and they are borderline unusable. This clever mod redesigns them from the ground up and makes them VR-ready.

Sim Settlements 2

Fallout 4's Sim Settlements mod

Not so much a VR mod but a mod that will make your Fallout 3 experience better. Sim Settlements 2 has racked up nearly three million downloads with good reason. It completely reimagines large swathes of the game and allows you to play it in a totally different way, managing your towns and settlements on a huge scale. It’s remit is worth pages on its own so check out the link and then download it, there is simply no reason not to.

Virtual Holsters

Virtual Holsters mod for Fallout 4 VR

Description: Adds 7 virtual weapon holsters and a new weapon sheathing / equipping system which aims for a more realistic approach forcing the player to return a weapon to the holster it was drawn from before being able to equip another weapon.

Now this is more VR than the others. Virtual Holsters we can actually draw weapons from in a firefight, greatly increasing immersion. You get seven new slots and when your control is close to a holster you get a little buzz to let you know you are close. Clever stuff.

Insignificant Object Remover

Object remover

Description: Safely removes insignificant objects to improve performance without visual degradation.

While the devs might tell you there is no such thing as an insignificant object they have coding, your PC and your GPU may well tell you otherwise. Downloaded over 1.5 million times this works a treat in VR as it releases just a touch of the pressure on your PC doing all the heavy lifting to your headset.

Be sure to check out all the other Fallout 4 VR mods while you are browsing Nexus.

The post The Best Fallout 4 VR Mods to make you think you are actually in the show appeared first on ReadWrite.


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