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Dramatic moment woman arrested after ‘burnt body’ found in ‘reclusive’ family’s garden with screams heard on cul-de-sac


THIS is the dramatic moment two suspects are arrested on suspicion of murder after a “burned body” was discovered in a back garden.

The horror unfolded in Bradford yesterday afternoon as neighbours reportedly heard a “piercing” scream followed by a plume of smoke.

A woman was led away by police after the man’s body was discovered
A man was also arrested on suspicion of murder
© YappApp
Forensic officers could be seen the back garden[/caption]

A body was then found in the garden of a home belonging to a “highly reclusive” family who have reportedly not been seen in several years.

Dramatic footage shows the moment two suspects were led away from the property on Shetland Close as stunned locals watched on.

A 52-year-old woman and 26-year-old man have been arrested on suspicion of murder and remain in custody.

West Yorkshire Police confirmed they are not looking for anyone else in connection with the horror.

Neighbours say a man aged in his 80s lived at the home with his younger wife and her son, who was around 20 years old.

Some feared the older man had died during the pandemic as he has not been seen for several years, Mail Online reports.

One local said was alerted to the grim discovery after hearing a neighbour shout a “body was on fire”.

He added: “There was smoke coming from the garden but we couldn’t get in because the gate was bolted shut.

“I couldn’t believe it, it was like something out of a horror film.”

Another neighbour said: “The family literally never venture out, they are highly reclusive. This has happened completely out of the blue and everybody is very shocked by it.

“The family have lived there for about eight years and we just don’t see anyone come and go.”

West Yorkshire Police confirmed a murder probe had been launched and that officers are establishing how the man died.

Detective Chief Inspector Matt Holdsworth said: “I understand that this incident has caused concern in the wider community and there is a lot of speculation about what has taken place and those involved.

“We need anyone with information to be passing that on to us.

“We are conducting house to house enquiries and CCTV trawls in the area.

“I would urge anyone with information, who has not already spoken to the police, to please make contact.

“The property backs on to Goals sports complex, King’s Road, Bradford.

“We are also urging anyone who was using the pitches yesterday afternoon who may have seen or heard anything out of the ordinary to please report it.”

Anyone with information can call police on 101, quoting log 1109 of 16 April.

© YappApp
Police are not looking for anyone else in connection with the horror[/caption]


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