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What is the London Marathon 2024 route? Road closures and best places to watch


THE London Marathon returns THIS MONTH as 50,000 runners prepare to take to the streets of the British capital.

Last year’s race, which attracted 48,000 brave runners, was the biggest ever, according to organisers.

The London Marathon takes place this month[/caption]

But with even more people expected to set off on the 26.2 mile journey on April 21, crowd numbers are expected to be at an all-time high.

The iconic London route showcases some of the capital’s most popular areas including Big Ben, Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace.

Here, SunSport look at some of the best spots to watch the race from.

What is the London Marathon route?

Race start

The race start is between Greenwich and Blackheath.

Although different checkpoints are used to get the runners started, this tends to be the busiest and most chaotic part of the route.

It probably isn’t the best place to watch your friends and family members given how crowded it is, so you may want to find a spot slightly further down instead.

The Cutty Sark always tends to be a top spot, with the Shard also popular.


Tower Bridge (Mile 12-13)

This is certainly one of the best places to watch from. It also tends to be a hot spot for broadcasters, especially the BBC.

Tower Bridge is a popular spot for spectators[/caption]

The iconic landmark is also great for a photo opportunity.

Slightly further down from Tower Bridge the race doubles back on itself, so it is the perfect spot to hang around if you’re a spectator.

Mile 16

If a friend or family member is running, this is a great place to be.

With 10 miles left to run, they might need that extra bit of motivation.

Mile 17

If you’ve got young kids this is another good place to go.

This point is nearby Mudchute Farm, so it’s perfect to keep the children entertained.

Mile 21

This isn’t the most exciting place to watch from in terms of scenery, but the runners will certainly need that extra support with five miles to go.

The atmosphere will be electric as it is the honorary cheering zone for the city’s running collective Run Dem Crew. 

Mile 25 to 26.2

The place everyone wants to be – the final stretch.

Fans took to the Mall to watch Mo Farah run the stretch for the final time last year[/caption]

Runners make their way down the Mall with Buckingham Palace – and the finish line – in view.

What landmarks can be spotted on the route?

  • Mile 6: Cutty Sark
  • Mile 12: Tower Bridge
  • Mile 18: Canary Wharf
  • Mile 22: The Tower of London
  • Mile 25: The London Eye 
  • Mile 25: Big Ben
  • Mile 26: Buckingham Palace

Which roads will be closed?

Full details of road closures are yet to be confirmed, but the route is set to be similar to previous years.

Look out for the following…

  • Charlton Way
  • Shooters Hill Road
  • St John’s Park
  • Charlton Road
  • Old Dover Road
  • Little Heath
  • Charlton Park Lane
  • Artillery Place
  • John Wilson Street
  • Woolwich Church Street
  • Woolwich Road
  • Trafalgar Road
  • Creek Road
  • Evelyn Street
  • Surrey Quays Road
  • Salter Road
  • Brunel Road
  • Jamaica Road
  • Tower Bridge
  • The Highway (south side)
  • Narrow Street
  • Westferry Road
  • East Ferry Road
  • Marsh Wall
  • North Colonnade
  • Poplar High Street
  • Commercial Road
  • The Highway
  • Byward Street
  • Upper Thames Street
  • Victoria Embankment
  • Birdcage Walk


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