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North Korea fires nuclear-capable missile OVER Japan for first time in 5yrs sending panicked residents fleeing for cover


NORTH Korea has fired a nuclear-capable missile over Japan for the first time in five years, sending panicked residents fleeing for cover.

Locals were urged to seek safety underground as the terrifying rocket soared above the nation before landing in the Pacific Ocean.

The nuclear missile stoked fear among residents in Japan on Tuesday morning[/caption]
The live launch of the terrifying rocket shown in Seoul, South Korea[/caption]
Kim Jong-un is believed to have been taunting the US and South Korea following the pair’s military drills

Officials issued evacuation notices and suspended some public transport services during the missile’s flight on Tuesday.

Trains were stopped as the long-range ballistic missile flew over the neighbouring nation after being launched from the Jagang Province.

The Japanese Government warned citizens to take cover after its coast guard reported the launch of the nuclear-capable rocket by North Korea.

The 2,800-mile trip is believed to be the longest journey taken by any North Korean missile during a weapons test.



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Its capabilities to travel such a distance shows it has enough range to even hit the US Pacific territory of Guam – home to its military bases.

Panic quickly spread throughout Japan after a string of emergency announcements urging people to seek safety.

A statement from the country’s Prime Minister’s Office warned residents to “evacuate inside a building or underground”.

But authorities did not have to intervene with any defence measures to destroy the missile, which later landed in the Pacific Ocean.

There were no reports of any damage to any aircraft or ships despite reportedly landing 1,990 miles off the northern Japanese coast.

PM Fumio Kishida later slammed the firing as a “reckless act” that he “strongly condemns” after his people were left scrambling.

Officials warned North Korea “poses a serious challenge to the entire international community,” amid the surprise firing – the first time a missile has flown over Japan since 2017.

South Korea‘s Joint Chiefs of Staff warned Kim Jong-un will likely continue with worrying missile launches to antagonise his foes.

But the bold power play will only deepen North Korea’s international isolation and prompt Seoul and Washington to bolster their deterrence capacities.

Japan’s top government spokesperson Hirokazu Matsuno added: “North Korea’s series of actions, including its repeated ballistic missile launches, threatens the peace and security of Japan, the region, and the international community.”

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said he had consulted with Japanese officials over the phone in wake of the missile launch.


He reiterated his nation’s “ironclad commitments to the defence of Japan,” while promising to advance its efforts to limit North Korea’s nuclear abilities.

Both South Korea and Japan quickly gathered for their own emergency national security council meetings.

North Korea’s dramatic show of strength is believed to be in retaliation to military drills between the South and the US in Japan last week.

The military muscle-flexing saw the allies stage trilateral anti-submarine exercises last week with Japanese naval forces.

Kim Jong-un reportedly views the training exercises as a rehearsal for invasion – seeing him shoot back with a nuclear warning.

Before Tuesday’s launch, the 2,300-mile-long flight of Hwasong-12 in 2017 was North Korea’s longest.

Read More on The Sun


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It has previously tested intercontinental ballistic missiles at steep angles so they flew shorter.

Earlier this month, Japan said it would resume evacuation drills for residents amid the uptick in North Korean launches.

Trains were suspended in Japan as panicked commuters ran for cover[/caption]
The nuclear-capable missile proved it has the range to reach US territory Guam[/caption]


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