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13 years ago …. (17 replies)

I found this email sent out by Blues from David Sullivan from pre-season 2009. I thought it was interesting to see how things were 13 years ago, given all the things that have happened since! There was, of course, a link at the end re buying your season ticket!!

Dear Peter,

Yesterday’s signing was our sixth signing to date and we are not finished yet.

We anticipate that there will be an additional three signings coming to the club over the next 2 – 4 weeks as we are already in the advance stages of negotiations with both the players and their Clubs.

Whilst we realise there is an enormous difference between the Championship and the Premier League we are trying to build a team that can help us retain Premier League status, a team that combines older players with years of Premier League experience along with the best young talent around both in the UK and overseas.

But, importantly we are not just working on building our team on the field we are also improving this Club off the field too.

At the start of the year myself and my board of directors, put together a list of ten pledges to our supporters to build this great club.

As one of the pledges we committed to keep our fans updated first through our club channels and only confirm players when a deal is done. So far this season you have been the first to know about ALL six signings here at the Club. We have also, I am pleased to announce, nearly completed if not completed the rest of our pledges to you.

As you have seen from recent coverage in the media and on the website the pitch works and undersoil heating are well underway and will be ready for our friendly here at St. Andrew’s. The big screen and new perimeter track will be ready for the new season as will the £1m refurbishment of the Main Stand, and the first team dressing room. The new tannoy system is being tested as I speak.

However, the most important thing we have done, understanding the economic climate is that we have made season tickets affordable for the Premier League season with offers that mean you can come to St. Andrew’s next season for less than our Championship prices, if you buy before 30th June. This deadline will NOT be extended.

We have also announced that next season St. Andrew’s will see a state of the art access control system installed to make your match day experience even better.

As you can see we have all being working hard during the closed season to strengthen the team on the pitch and also strengthen this fantastic Club.

I really hope to see you at the new improved St. Andrew’s next season with the many changes we have made ready for our return to the Premier League.

David Sullivan


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