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Becky Vardy reveals what she really thinks of Wayne Rooney after what he did to husband Jamie


REBEKAH Vardy says husband Jamie is her “rock” — and is furious Wayne Rooney accused him of lying during her High Court trial.

The mother of five revealed Jamie encouraged her to take Wayne’s wife Coleen to court amid the Wagatha Christie fallout.

Louis Wood
Rebekah Vardy says husband Jamie is her ‘rock’ — and is furious Wayne Rooney accused him of lying during her High Court trial[/caption]
The mother of five revealed Jamie encouraged her to take Wayne’s wife Coleen to court amid the Wagatha Christie fallout[/caption]

She rubbished claims that the Leicester City striker was against taking legal action after she was publicly accused by Coleen of leaking stories.

Becky, who vehemently denies any wrongdoing despite losing her libel battle, said: “He was always fully supportive.

“And not one day did he say, ‘Oh this is ridiculous, this needs to stop now’.

“If anything he was more of a motivation for me to continue to push because he knew the truth.

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“He’s always known the truth, and he wanted that out there.  He knows that I didn’t do it.”

She spoke out a week after a High Court judge ruled in favour of Coleen — and she is still seething at the treatment of her husband.

During May’s seven-day trial, Wayne was pictured by his wife’s side every day — usually lugging one of her giant handbags — while Jamie was busy on club duty with the Foxes.

Unlike Jamie, former England captain Wayne gave evidence, which led to Becky’s husband issuing a bombshell statement.

Wayne claimed in court that then-England boss Roy Hodgson requested he ask team-mate Jamie to “calm down” his wife during the 2016 Euros.

There were reportedly concerns that she was “causing problems and distractions” for the team in France. Rooney said from the witness box: “I’m sat here on oath. I 100 per cent spoke to Mr Vardy.

“If he wants to speak that and relay that back to his wife that’s entirely his business.”

Jamie later publicly disputed the conversation ever happened — and accused Rooney of talking “nonsense”.

In an interview with The Sun, Becky refuted claims that Jamie had been “scared” to give evidence himself.

She said: “Jamie didn’t make a witness statement because I didn’t ask him to, and he didn’t give evidence because I didn’t ask him to — and you can’t give evidence unless you give a witness statement.”

And she added: “Wayne essentially called my husband a liar, so that’s why he had to give a statement afterwards.”

As her husband prepares to start a new Premier League season against Brentford on Sunday, Becky insisted: “I never wanted Jamie dragged into all of this.

“He’s got football to think about, and in any case what did the Euros have to do with Coleen’s Instagram?”

However, she added: “Jamie always has, and always will, have my back.”

The couple met eight years ago when Becky was working as a nightclub promoter.

They tied the knot in 2016 at Peckforton Castle, Cheshire, in front of various celebs, as well as Jamie’s Leicester team-mates. Giant black and white photos of the couple are littered around their beautiful £3million Leicestershire mansion.

Last week’s High Court result was the culmination of a saga which began with Coleen’s bombshell post in October 2019.

It has led to sickening online threats against the Vardys who have reported trolls to police. Three arrests have been made.

Unlike Jamie, former England captain Wayne gave evidence, which led to Becky’s husband issuing a bombshell statement
Getty Images - Getty
Jamie and Becky met eight years ago when Becky was working as a nightclub promoter[/caption]

However, Becky believes the Wagatha ordeal has actually strengthened their relationship.

She said: “Far from putting a strain on our marriage, this whole saga has made us stronger than ever.

“He was, and always has been, my rock; he is my soulmate. I love him . . . we love each other to bits, and we have a really strong and happy marriage.”

We revealed yesterday how Becky is angry at the High Court judge Mrs Justice Karen Steyn’s handling of the trial.

She claimed she was “slut-shamed” over things she did 20 years ago which had nothing to do with the case.

Becky is now mulling over several lucrative TV and commercial offers — “not Strictly though as I am more up for doing something that would make a difference”.

Instead she wants to continue with her charity work “behind the scenes”.

She regularly helps a homeless charity and Barnardo’s — and revealed how she wants to help reform the legal system.

She said: “I’m involved in a charity called Not Beyond Redemption which looks at women getting custodial sentences, and looking at whether the judiciary system works in terms of these.

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“It’s about trying to break that cycle because ultimately women who have children lose their children if they get prison sentences. And it is something that I am looking at quite in depth at the minute.

“I just think everyone is one step away from making a really bad decision and being in a situation that could literally change their life.”

Louis Wood
Becky spoke exclusively to The Sun’s Clemmie Moodie[/caption]


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