News in English

Masks are back: Stores revise COVID-19 policies


(WJW) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s updated guidance for preventing the spread of the coronavirus recommends all people wear masks in public indoor settings in highly transmissible areas, even those who have been vaccinated.

The CDC cited the surge of the highly contagious delta variant of coronavirus. Research suggests that vaccinated people who get infected with the delta variant can spread it to others, even if the vaccinated don’t get seriously ill.

According to health experts, it spreads more easily because of mutations that make it better at latching onto cells in our bodies.

There have been a very low number of breakthrough cases among vaccinated people. For those who are vaccinated who do get it, the early data shows they become less sick or asymptomatic.

U.S. health officials Wednesday announced plans to dispense COVID-19 booster shots to all Americans to shore up their protection amid the surging delta variant and signs that the vaccines' effectiveness is slipping.

As new information emerges, companies are making their decisions about how they’ll keep employees and customers safe moving forward.


Apple is requiring masks for all employees and customers in most U.S. stores.


Costco locations will follow the face mask regulations of the applicable state and local jurisdictions.


All guests are required to wear masks in indoor spaces.


In a statement to WJW, CVS said it is requiring employees, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask while working. All customers are encouraged to wear a mask while inside the store.


The happiest place on Earth includes masks, too. Disney World announced that all guests over the age of 2 will need masks in indoor spaces.

The company is also requiring all non-union employees to get the COVID vaccine.


Giant Eagle is requiring all employees to wear masks and encouraging all customers to do the same.


Google is requiring all employees to be vaccinated before its offices fully reopen in October.


All employees are required to wear masks indoors. Guests will be asked to wear masks as well. Masks will be offered to customers who don’t have one.


Kohl’s will require employees in high-risk counties to wear masks in its stores.

Masks are encouraged for customers but not required.


Kroger asks all individuals to wear masks in their facilities. The guidelines require unvaccinated customers and employees to wear them.


Lowe’s requires all employees to wear masks indoors. They’ll be asking customers to do the same and offering free masks to those who aren’t wearing one.


McDonald’s is requiring crew and customers to wear masks inside restaurants in areas with substantial transmission.


Sam’s Club said it will continue to follow the latest CDC guidance, which includes fully vaccinated people wearing masks in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high transmission.


All employees are required to wear masks at Target. The company is not mandating masks for guests but is strongly encouraging customers wear masks as well.


Walmart is requiring that employees get vaccinated by October. Employees are also required to wear masks.

The company is also encouraging customers to wear masks.


Walgreens is requiring masks for all of its employees. Masks are encouraged for customers, even those who are vaccinated.

Get the vaccine here.


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