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RHOBH Kyle Richards hospitalized after walking into beehive & says ‘no one could hear her scream & EpiPen was defective’


KYLE Richards has been hospitalized after a “terrifying” attack from a hive of bees, as she ran and jumped into the pool to protect herself from their stings. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star shared the “panic” stricken experience with her fans as she recovered from her hospital bed. Kyle, 52, took to her […]

KYLE Richards has been hospitalized after a “terrifying” attack from a hive of bees, as she ran and jumped into the pool to protect herself from their stings.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star shared the “panic” stricken experience with her fans as she recovered from her hospital bed.

Instagram/Kyle Richards
Kyle was stung ‘multiple times’[/caption]
Instagram/Kyle Richards
She explained how her EpiPen did not work in fighting off her allergies[/caption]

Kyle, 52, took to her Instagram stories to detail the horrifying moment when she was attacked by a hive of bees in her backyard.

While laying in the hospital with a breathing tube she told fans: “So this happened yesterday…I walked into a hive of bees and was stung multiple times.

“If you know me at all you know I am allergic to bees and terrified of them,” she explained.


Later Kyle shared security video surveillance from the attack, as she ran through her backyard trying to escape their stings.

In the clip, fans could watch the reality star race across the grass in her pajamas while her dogs chased in pandemonium.

After pausing to try to use her EpiPen, she realized the bees were still in her hair, so she jumped in the pool and dunked her head several times to get rid of the creatures.

“I can laugh at this video now but what you can’t see is that they were in my hair and were literally chasing me,” she captioned the video.

“My family wasn’t home and for whatever reason, the people that work for me couldn’t hear me screaming for help.

“My landline wouldn’t dial 911 and my EpiPen was defective and wouldn’t open,” she revealed.


Kyle then shared a close-up selfie while attached to her breathing devices in the hospital, writing: “I share this story with you because I sometimes don’t bother to take my EpiPen with me.

“I also don’t know why I couldn’t get mine to work. It’s important to look on YouTube and watch the videos of how to use it,” she instructed.

The Bravo star continued: “There are different types of EpiPens and they each work differently.

“But also always call 911 even if you are able to use your EpiPen as they have to use other medications to help breathing etc,” she explained.

Kyle also posted video footage of the swarming hive of bees which she claimed she will be “moving from her property ASAP.”


The California native then thanked the LA fire department and Encino Hospital Medical Center for “responding so fast and taking such good care of me.

“Including helping me through my panic attack. And for repeatedly having to convince me there were no more bees in my hair,” she laughed.

Kyle even shared a selfie with the officers who “came to check” on her “the day after.”

“Still looking like a hot mess with my pool hair and sting marks,” she joked, before telling her followers to “support your local fire department.”

Instagram/Kyle Richards
Kyle was forced to jump in the pool fully clothed to get rid of the bees[/caption]
Instagram/Kyle Richards
She videotaped the swarm surrounding the hive in her backyard[/caption]
Instagram/Kyle Richards
Kyle took a selfie with the fire department who helped her to safety[/caption]


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