News in English

Reds swept by Padres

Photo by John Grieshop/MLB Photos via Getty Images

Happy Fathers Day.

The Joe Nuxhall Memorial Honorary Star of the Game

Luis Castillo - 6 IP, 6 H, 3 R, 2 ER, 3 BB, 7 K - In a game where it seemed like Castillo was working around a lot of trouble he had a really good start. I’m not sure how many in a row that is, it’s at least two, but he’s starting to string together good starts. It really sucks to watch the Reds get swept in this series. I’ll make a small caveat, the Reds played well overall. Every game was close and they battled. However, battling doesn’t always get the job done and the Reds can still be better team. This sweep isn’t the most discouraging thing I’ve ever seen, though. The Reds are still .500 and a traveling up to the Land of 10,000 Lakes to play a team that has not performed well this year.

Honorable mention to Heath Hembree who struck out the side in the bottom of the 8th and has been really good lately. Jonathan India walked twice, and Kyle Farmer was two for three.

Key Plays

  • Castillo kind of danced around trouble and was doing so again in the bottom of the third. Machado and Eric Hosmer got on base and Castillo worked Wil Myers to a 1-2 count. Myers slashed a pitch into the right field corner and the ball was sent to Votto on the cut. Votto did a dumb and tried to get Hosmer at third, Machado had already scored, and the ball got past third allowing Hosmer to score and Myers to come all the way around to home. Votto was charged with an error. Profar flied out to deep center field to end the threat. Padres lead, 3-0.
  • Castillo worked his way through six innings to keep the game where it was which was nice.
  • The Reds threatened with in the top of 7th. Catellanos pinch hit for Castillo with two runners on and one out and singled to center field. However, it was hit hard and Aikyama had to hold at third. Jonathan India came to the plate in a big situation to do some damage. Alas, he hit a ball hard to short for an easy double play. Padres lead, 3-0.
  • To lead off the top of the 8th, the Reds got into some early business. Winker singled to lead off the inning, and Tyler Stephenson doubled to bring runners to second and third. Votto came into the plate looking to cash in and crushed the ball but the second baseman made a good play to get Votto but Winker scored. Aquino took a clutch walk and then he stole second. Suarez then ripped a ball to third and Machado made a great play to get Suarez at first but Stephenson scored. Aikyama then flew out to right. Padres still lead but now it’s 3-2.
  • India walked with two outs bringing Winker to the plate against Melancon. Winker hit a blooper that looked like it could fall but Ha-Seong Kim made a great play to snag it. That’s it. Reds lose, 3-2. Poopsocks.

Tony Graphanino

Source: FanGraphs

Source: FanGraphs

Other Notes

  • I think these things are all you really need to see.
  • Also, never forget that swing.


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