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'Batwoman' star Javicia Leslie wants Stacey Abrams to suit up as a hero and appear in the new season


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Stacey Abrams has already been dubbed a superhero politician for her voting rights efforts in Georgia, but she might have a chance to debut fictional powers on the small screen.

While speaking to Yahoo Entertainment, "Batwoman" star Javicia Leslie revealed that Abrams has been very "supportive" of the series so far.

"Shout out to Stacey Abrams! I think she's going to love this season, and I hope we make her proud," said Leslie, the first Black and bisexual actress to take on the role of Batwoman.

Leslie, 33, also admitted that she'd love to have Abrams enter the DC Universe and have her play a fictional character.

"Let's suit her up as a hero," said Leslie, before further speculating on Abrams' potential character arc. "That would be fun. A super-villain: I think we should go through the comics and find one we want to bring to Gotham and go ahead and suit her up."

Leslie, who previously told Insider's Kirsten Acuna she's "very honored" to play Batwoman, suggested the show could surprise fans by keeping Abram's identity a secret and "go awhile before we take off the mask and see that it's her."

A representative for Leslie did not immediately return Insider's request for comment.

Abrams is a self-proclaimed fan of sci-fi and fantasy franchises

Stacey Abrams

Abrams, a former Georgia House Minority Leader and 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee who was vital in flipping Georgia into a Blue state, previously revealed she was a fan of sci-fi and fantasy series.

In November, she delighted her 2.1 million Twitter followers when she revealed her love for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

In a fun Twitter exchange, Abrams weighed in on the love triangle between Sarah Michelle Gellar's Buffy Ann Summers, James Marsters's Spike, and David Boreanaz's Angel. 

"To be fair, Angel was the right boyfriend for Buffy coming into her power. Spike was the right man to be with as she became the power," she wrote. 


Abrams told Buzzfeed's AM to DM that she was a "Doctor Who" fan and watched three episodes of the series before making her televised response to President Donald Trump's State of the Union in February 2020

She later specified on Twitter that she thought Tom Baker, the "Fourth Doctor" in the Doctor Who franchise, was one of her favorites. 

Last month, the cast of "Supernatural" reunited over Zoom and Abrams appeared to speak about voting rights, E! Online reported

Leslie spoke to Insider about being a lead role in "Batwoman"

batwoman 201 javicia leslie

Leslie took over the Batwoman role from actress Ruby Rose, who appeared in season one but unexpectedly exited in May 2020.

Leslie told Insider they've been "really blessed" to be able to film the second season during the pandemic.

"Our studio, our network is doing such an amazing job, making sure that we're safe, whether it be through PPE, new protocols through staying in our own zones," Leslie said. "I think they're doing the best that they can to make sure that we're able to still continue to come to work and provide for our families."

She also spoke out about the US Capitol building riots, saying she felt "honored" to play Batwoman amid such a tumultuous period. 

"I'm very, very sad and disappointed with everything that is going on right now and what has been going on. A lot of what we thought had changed has been proven not to have changed," said Leslie. "But life imitates art and it's very important that we continue to have representation on the screen so that we can continue to build a future of people that feel empowered to fight their fight and speak their piece and still represent it."

She added, "so to be a part of that, in any kind of capacity, I feel very honored."

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