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Robber arrested for ‘shooting man dead while he was walking his dog’ as victim’s girlfriend weeps over her ‘soulmate’


COPS have arrested a suspected robber who is accused of shooting dead a dogwalker at point blank range. Milan Loncar’s girlfriend has paid a tearful tribute her “soulmate” after he was gunned down when accosted by two muggers on Wednesday. The 25-year-old, a recent graduate from Temple University, was walking is dachshund-chihuahua mix dog named […]

COPS have arrested a suspected robber who is accused of shooting dead a dogwalker at point blank range.

Milan Loncar’s girlfriend has paid a tearful tribute her “soulmate” after he was gunned down when accosted by two muggers on Wednesday.

Milan Loncar was shot dead by muggers as he walked his dog Roo[/caption]
Olivia Gorski paid tribute to her ‘soulmate’ Milan as she welled up
Philadelphia Police
Milan Loncar was accosted by two men as they rifled through his pockets[/caption]

The 25-year-old, a recent graduate from Temple University, was walking is dachshund-chihuahua mix dog named Roo at around 7pm when he was accosted by muggers in Philadelphia.

Detectives have now arrested one man and are expected to charge him with murder after bringing in three siblings for questioning on Saturday.

Cops are continuing to hunt for the second suspect, and further information will be released when formal charges have been filed.

Milan’s girlfriend, Olivia Gorski, broke down in tears as she was speaking to the media at a vigil for him on Friday.

She said she had been planning on moving in with him next month.

“He was my soulmate, and I don’t think I have a plan anymore without him,” Olivia wept.

Milan’s mom Amy Lounsberry and his sister Jelena were also at the vigil and comforted Olivia as the neighbourhood gathered at the site he was killed.

“You’ve taken so much from us, you’ve hurt the neighborhood. It’s not just one life,” Jelena said.

Gorski added: “You’ve ruined hundreds of lives that you don’t even know.”

I don’t know why they did it, I can’t understand.

Amy Lounsberry6 ABC

Surveillance video shows the two suspects walking down the sidewalk about a block from Milan’s home before the attack.

The two men then surround the engineering major graduate and stop him before beginning to search through his pockets.

It appears one of the men has a gun and is holding at the chest level to stop Milan, who had just started a new job.

Cops said a shot was then fired and then the cowardly suspected fled from the scene.

Philadelphia Police
The two men fled the scene after killing Milan[/caption]

Milan used his cellphone to call for help and was found in the street suffering a gunshot wound while still clutching the dog’s leash, reports CBS Philadelphia.

He was declared dead at hospital at 7.30pm in what cops have said was an attempted robbery as they appeal for witnesses.

Family members have said Milan’s house keys and cellphone were left at the scene, and he didn’t have his wallet on him at the time, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer.

They have described him as being killed in “cold blood” and said his killers “choose to shoot him in the chest at point blank range”.

His mom Amy described her son as a “beloved sweet boy just starting his life” and she lamented “everything was coming together” for Milan.

She told 6 ABC: “He was going to move in with his girlfriend in March, he had graduated and had his first job and was just starting out.

“I don’t know why they did it, I can’t understand. They didn’t get any money, did they need it so badly, were they trying to show off?”

Milan’s mum Amy Lounsberry shared this pictured of him, her and his sister Jelena [/caption]
Milan had just started a new job after graduating from Temple University[/caption]
Milan was remembered as a ‘sweet boy’ who was loved by everyone[/caption]

Amy added: “I was so proud of him and everybody that he worked with, everybody he knew, they all said how he was doing so well.

“Everybody loved him.”

She went on: “He is so missed and we are trying to pull together and get everybody through.”

The heartbroken mom also urged people to attend a socially distanced vigil at where he son was killed, and thanked those who did so.

“Thank you all for coming tonight, it was so nice to have all of your support,” she said.

“I know we’re all shocked and hurting but we were together tonight.”

Cops are offering a $20,000 reward for information as they released pictures of two men wearing hooded jackets.

Tributes have been left to Milan as police search for his killers[/caption]
Philadelphia Police
Milan was accosted by the men but didn’t have his wallet on him[/caption]
Philadelphia Police
Police released the CCTV as they offered a $20,000 reward[/caption]

Milan’s sister Jelena, 27, lives near her brother and said she first learned about the shooting on an alert on the Citizen App.

She was driving home from dinner with her mom and had no idea it was her brother who had been killed.

Jelena called Milan, who didn’t answer his phone, and she immediately feared the worst for her brother.

She described him as the “the kindest person in the entire world” and said he was “selfless, constantly smiling”.

Her roommate, Arshiya Luthra, 26, went to the scene and realized it was Milan when she spotted his dog.

His uncle, Nikola Loncar, 66, said: “[Milan] was very polite. I don’t think he would ever fight anybody.”

The family have put together a GoFundMe to increase the police reward – already raising it by $53,000.

“It is paramount that these individuals are caught before they have the chance to callously take another life that did not belong to them. It is not a matter of if they will do this again, it is a matter of when,” it reads.


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