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Witcher Season 2 Filming Without Henry Cavill After On-Set Injury


Season 2 of Netflix's The Witcher continues filming without star Henry Cavill, who sustained a leg injury this week while on-set.

The Witcher season two filming continues without Henry Cavill after an on-set injury. Netflix renewed the series for a second season before season one even premiered back in 2019. This proved to be a wise move because season one of The Witcher was Netflix's biggest first TV season ever. However, production for the highly anticipated second season has faced several delays this year. Cavill portrays the titular Witcher, Geralt of Rivia.

The first season ended with more questions than answers. Where was Geralt's great love, Yennefer (Anya Chalotra), and how did she survive after the Battle of Sodden? What would Geralt's relationship with Princess Ciri (Freya Allen) be like after they finally found her in the season finale? And when will Jaskier (Joey Batey) return? Filming had resumed on season two this past January but was halted due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Then, season two actor Kristofer Hivju announced he had the coronavirus in March. In August, Filming resumed only to shut down again in November due to several positive COVID-19 tests. This week it was reported that Cavill sustained a minor leg injury on-set, making it difficult for him to wear the heavy armor required for Geralt's character. Cavill's injury lead to yet another season two question. Would production be shut down again due to its sidelined star?

Related: How The Witcher Filming Shutdown Changed Season 2

According to Deadline, production on season two has continued without Cavill. "Cavill is expected to be sidelined for a short period of time, with The Witcher filming around him." It's unknown if Cavill will be able to return to filming season two before production takes a holiday hiatus this month. Still, his recovery is the most important thing above all else.

Despite all the various filming delays, season two is shaping up to be looking quite promising. Season two set videos did show Geralt, and Yennefer reunited. Other set photos confirmed that season one characters like Tissaia (MyAnna Buring), Stregobor (Lars Mikkelsen), and Sabrina (Therica Wilson-Read) would be returning in some capacity for season two. However, the various plot reasons for their appearances have yet to be officially confirmed.

What makes The Witcher such a great series is that it features so many interesting characters and compelling storylines. Even some season 1 episodes focused far more on Yennefer and Ciri than Geralt, so it makes sense that production didn't have to be completely shut down again due to Cavill's injury. However, Geralt is the show's heart, despite his grumpy demeanor, so hopefully, Cavill will make a full recovery soon.

With filming for The Witcher slated to continue into 2021, it's looking to be highly unlikely that fans will get the initially planned 2021 season two premiere. However, production should prioritize the cast and crew's health and safety above anything else. When season two of The Witcher is finally released, it will likely be worth the wait.

Next: The Witcher: Why Henry Cavill Wanted To Play Geralt

Source: Deadline


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