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RHOBH: Lisa Rinna Hosts A Breakfast For Newly Single Erika Girardi


During the breakfast, Rinna referenced the time that Girardi ate pumpkin pie in the early morning during the RHOBH season 9 camping trip.

Lisa Rinna recently hosted a breakfast to honor her newly single friend and co-star, Erika Girardi. The two Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stars are great friends who have a lot in common, including their love for pumpkin pie. Once, Kyle Richards, another member of the RHOBH cast, tweeted, “Some could argue that Erika and Rinna are a package deal and that’s totally OK.” Richards' comment followed speculation about her friendship with Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave.

It is not lost on me that while Erika and Rinna are agreeing that my friendship with Teddi is ‘weird’ they are actually dressed like twins,” Kyle said in another tweet, referring to the reality star’s matching pink blazers. Despite the controversy, Lisa and Erika continue to be good friends. 

Related: RHOBH: Kyle Richards & Kathy Hilton Reportedly Having ‘Clash of Egos’

Recently, Bravo TV reported that Rinna hosted a breakfast to honor her close friend. In addition to being stars on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Rinna and Girardi have a lot in common. They’ve both starred in Broadway musicals and are fond of pink blazer minidresses. Yet another thing these two reality stars share is their belief that pumpkin pie is not exclusively a dessert. Earlier this week, Lisa shared a picture of the sweet treat with fluffy whipped cream on her Instagram story. Rinna referenced the time that Erika ate pumpkin pie in the early morning during the RHOBH season 9 camping trip. “I too believe in pumpkin pie for breakfast. Nothing like it,” Lisa said, then joked, “[I’ll] have a little pumpkin pie with my whipped cream.

The pumpkin pie breakfast was one of the more wholesome headlines this week. Recently, the RHOBH reality stars have appeared in the news for other reasons. Lisa’s daughter, Amelia Hamlin, started dating Scott Disick from Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Many are wondering what the mother of the 19-year-old woman thinks about her daughter’s new romance. Allegedly, she’s “worried” about the budding relationship mainly because of the significant age gap. On the other hand, Erika made headlines because of an emerging lawsuit. The reality star and her soon to be ex-husband, Tom Girardi, have been named in a federal lawsuit that accuses them of embezzling millions of dollars. 

Erika is going through a lot right now because of her divorce and legal troubles. It was kind of her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-star to honor her with a sentimental breakfast. We look forward to hearing more about their friendship while Erika navigates current issues in her life. 

More: RHOBH: Erika Girardi Enjoys First Night Out With Friends Since Filing For Divorce

Sources: Bravo TV, Erika Jayne


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