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Gemma Collins shows off incredible flexibility as she poses like Victoria Beckham in a leopard catsuit after weight loss


GEMMA Collins emulates Victoria Beckham as she poses in a sexy tiger print outfit. The former Towie star posed laying down on her side in front of a Christmas tree with her leg kicked up in the air, a pose used frequently by Posh Spice herself. The fitted tiger print onesie shows of the GC’s […]

GEMMA Collins emulates Victoria Beckham as she poses in a sexy tiger print outfit.

The former Towie star posed laying down on her side in front of a Christmas tree with her leg kicked up in the air, a pose used frequently by Posh Spice herself.

Gemma Collins, 39, shows off her incredible weight loss in a leopard catsuit[/caption]

The fitted tiger print onesie shows of the GC’s 3st weight loss and newfound flexibility, thanks to her intense fitness regime.

Her blonde hair was sept over the side in styled waves and Gemma completed the look with a bold red lipstick.

“34/35 ✌????I don’t wanna keep you ???? @arianagrande ✌????,” she captioned the post, referencing Arian’s raunchy track from her new album, Positions.

The sultrily pose comes after Gemma revealed she wants to follow in Princess Diana’s footsteps and retire her GC alter ego to focus on humanitarian work.

Gemma wants to ditch her GC identity next year[/caption]
And move into humanitarian work, like Princess Diana[/caption]
Rex Features
Gemma wants her 40th year to be dedicated to helping others[/caption]

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, the 39-year-old star teased that fans will see a new side of her in 2021 as she takes inspiration from the tragic royal.

She was particularly moved by Diana’s famous walk through an area being cleared of landmines in Huambo, Angola, a few months before her death in 1997 – and hopes to do similar work.

Gemma told us: “People are going to a see a huge change in me next year, I’m turning 40 and the people that inspire me do incredible humanitarian work.

Princess Diana has been in the media a lot, and you look at her when she walked through the landmines and stuff and she’s such an incredible woman.

It comes after the GC dedicated her 2020 to getting fit and losing 3st[/caption]

“This is where I want to take my work now, I’ve got everything I want in life, I don’t need anything more.”

The former Towie star added: “I am so happy with where I am in my life and it’s time for me to work my magic with other projects.”

Referencing her diva alter ego, Gemma warned that it could be time to say goodbye – although it won’t be forever.

Rex Features
She’s ‘excited’ for people to see what she has planned for 2021[/caption]

She explained: “The GC might have to be put on ice for a little bit, we might have to freeze her for a bit.

“When I turn 40 I want people to think more of Gemma and more of my humanitarian work and things I am passionate about in life.

“Through my life and career I’ve grown as a person, there’s a lot more to me now than just being The GC and I am really excited for everyone to see what I am going to be doing in 2021.”


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