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Buckley calls out Krause’s whole team


UFC 255: Buckley v Wright
Photo by Jeff Bottari/Zuffa LLC

In case it wasn’t obvious, Joaquin Buckley really wants to fight James Krause.

Joaquin Buckley is reaffirming his wish to fight James Krause in the near future.

The highlight-reel producing middleweight contender just earned his second straight stoppage victory at UFC 255, where he finished Jordan Wright by knockout a few moments after the second round began. Another emphatic knockout for Buckley had the fight world buzzing, so it was natural that many were wondering when he would return to the Octagon to potentially do it again.

Buckley had his return date already in mind during his post-fight interview with Joe Rogan, but as an added bonus, he also had the opponent he wanted next.

“Its other dudes out there that I want to fight. Who talking that nonsense and I really want to give it to him because when I hurt him, the referee can’t save him,” said Buckley. “And y’all know who I’m talking about. Y’all know who I’m talking about. Look up my name on YouTube and you’ll see him. He the only person talking stuff. I don’t need to give his name out. Just do your homework and you’ll know who I’m talking about. Fight Island. January 23.”

Rogan prodded Buckley to say the name of the man he was referring to — something he refused to do — but it was unnecessary. It was clear he was talking about welterweight veteran, James Krause, who has been engaged in a war of words with Buckley in recent months.

Both men have done interviews to explain why they are currently beefing with one another and it is safe to say they do not like each other whatsoever. The only way this rivalry will apparently be solved is if the meet each other in the cage, which is something Buckley continues to propose every chance he gets.

During a recent appearance on What the Heck hosted by Mike Heck of MMA Fighting, Buckley addressed his continuous callouts of Krause as well as the often repeated allegation by him about Buckley allegedly being “kicked out” of multiple gyms in St. Louis, MO.

“If he was speaking the truth, it would be what it is, but my man is just out here preaching lies and just talking about stuff that he has no clue about,” said Buckley. “My man never met me a day in his life, but he talking like he know me or talking about me like he knows me. He’s just spreading rumors that other people are probably sharing with him at his gym, but it is what it is.

“I’m helping him build up his name ever more. He done gained some followers off of this as well, but at the end of the day, we got to see each other. Whether the UFC signs that fight up or not.”

Krause is currently on the sidelines nursing a knee injury sustained from his most recent fight against Claudio Silva at UFC Fight Island 6 in October, so it is unlikely that he would be ready to go at the time Buckley is requesting. Still, Buckley hopes he can get on the upcoming UFC 257 card and maintains that Krause is who he wants standing across from him on fight night.

“Its whatever as long as I get a fight. That’s perfect, but the ideal person would be him. I want him to catch this work. He probably gonna blame this knee injury, he’ll say, ‘I don’t really fight at 185, lets do 170,’ I ain’t trying to hear none of that noise because when you was talking heavy, you weren’t worried about all that.

“So let’s do it at 185 and let’s do it Jan. 23, but if you want to have your boys take the work for you, I’ll do that too. So Julian Marquez can get it, Zak Cummings can get it, Jason Witt can get it. Anybody that works with you can get it. Period. I want the whole Glory MMA camp. I want everybody.”


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