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Cheap and cheerful home-help hacks to save on bits and bobs for your pad


IT is all the little bits and bobs for the home that can really add up. We fork out around £557 a year on extra cleaning products and kitchen items that we they rarely even use. But these tricks to save you doubling up will help . . . GRATE STUFF: Cheese graters can be a nightmare to […]

IT is all the little bits and bobs for the home that can really add up.

We fork out around £557 a year on extra cleaning products and kitchen items that we they rarely even use.

Find out our tricks to save on cleaning products and kitchen items that are barely used

But these tricks to save you doubling up will help . . .

GRATE STUFF: Cheese graters can be a nightmare to clean and cause a bit of a mess — but mums have taken to Facebook forum Extreme Budget DIY & Life Hacks to reveal a great trick — simply use a cheap potato peeler.

Get one for as little 99p on eBay.co.uk — far less than a grater at Argos for £8.50.

SAVING: £7.51

AIR WE GO: No one likes a whiffy kitchen but you do not need to buy a pricey air freshener, such as Airwick Air Freshener Freshmatic Pure Spring Kit, £5 at Tesco.

Instead, fill a saucepan with water and add a sliced lemon, a few sprigs of rosemary and ½tsp of vanilla extract. Bring to a simmer and it will create a sweet scent throughout your kitchen.

SAVING: Around £5

NO STAIN STRAIN: Instead of buying expensive washing- machine water softener, such as Calgon 2-in-1 water softener powder, £4 at Wilko, try adding a scoop of soda crystals, £1 at Asda, to each wash.

Soda crystals are also good at getting tea or coffee stains out of mugs when washing up — so a double whammy.


ZAPPY DAYS: Fabric upholstery always gets mucky but instead of deploying Scotchgard cleaner, £5.99 at Robert Dyas, use bicarbonate of soda, 59p at Aldi.

Cover a sofa with the powder and, after 20 minutes, vacuum it using a brush attachment. It should then smell nice and fresh, too.

SAVING: £5.40

  • PRICES correct at time of going to press. Deals and offers subject to availability.

Top swap

Why buy £1.19 for 300g of McVitie’s biscuits from Waitrose…

…when you can get two packs of 370g of Morrisons own version for 70p

YOU can’t beat a cuppa and a biccy. But, don’t pay £1.19 for 300g of McVitie’s Rich Tea biscuits, from Waitrose, when you can buy two 370g packs of Morrisons own version, for 70p.

SAVE: 49p – and get 440g more biscuit

Deal of the day

Get up to £15 cashback on your Pizza Hut order until March 1

NEW members who sign up to topcashback.co.uk can get up to £15 cashback on their Pizza Hut order until March 1.

Cheap treat

Grab your Southern Fried breadcrumbs for £1 at Asda before they go up to £1.29

PAXO Southern Fried breadcrumbs are perfect to make your own fakeaway.

Currently £1 at Asda, grab a pot before it goes up to £1.29.

Shop & save

Tesco is selling Simple cleansing face wipes for half the price

SIMPLE Kind To Skin face wipes are half price at Tesco, down to £1.50 from £3.

SAVE: £1.50


My Sun Savers fiver

ROXANNE BILLS, of Boston, Lincs, says: “I’m putting my Sun Saver fivers towards spending money for my holiday with my son.”

  • Send us your Savers fiver stories to sunsavers.co.uk/fivers and you will get 28 codes worth £5 if your tip is used. Please include your name and town.

Reader’s saving tips

ANITA WALDER, of Pulborough, West Sussex, says: “Save potato peel, drizzle it in veg oil and sea salt and pop on a baking tray in the oven as the meal cooks to save waste and make a nice crispy starter snack.”

  • Send ideas to sunsavers.co.uk/tips and get 28 codes worth £5 if used. Include your name and town.

Play now to win £50,000 on the Sun Savers Raffle

JOIN thousands of readers taking part in the new Sun Savers Raffle.

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And for every ten tickets you collect in a calendar month, you get a GOLDEN TICKET for our £80k Raffle, which takes place every three months.

Join thousands of readers taking part in the new Sun Savers Raffle
Join thousands of readers taking part in the new Sun Savers Raffle

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Then opt in to each month’s Raffle by clicking “Yes!” when prompted and start collecting the Sun Savers codes printed daily in the paper.

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Not yet a Sun Savers member? Just go to sunsavers.co.uk or find “Sun Savers” in the app store to get started.

Fancy a free fiver?

YOU can get FREE cash with super Sun Savers just for buying your favourite paper.

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This isn’t a one-off and there is no limit to how much cash you can save.

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So over the course of a year, that could add up to £65.

We are keeping it super-simple.

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And the good news doesn’t stop with free cash.

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TO JOIN: Don’t worry, folks — joining takes just 30 seconds, in three steps.

  • PRICES correct at time of going to press. Deals/offers subject to availability.



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