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Social Series half-day rides – Sunday 23 February


Welcome to our half-day Social Series ride options for Sun 23 Feb! If you’re thinking of joining us for the first time check out some of our ride reports to read about the fun we have on our rides. Our…

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Welcome to our half-day Social Series ride options for Sun 23 Feb!

If you’re thinking of joining us for the first time check out some of our ride reports to read about the fun we have on our rides. Our motto is #NoOneGetsLeftBehind and we love cafe stops as much as we like cycling! You can ride with us twice before deciding whether to join us.

Normally we meet at the Buttercross Market Sq at 9.00 for a 9.15am start, but as Sun 23 is Farmers’ Market day we’ll meet at the Health Centre (Otley Clinic – LS21 3AY).

All rides will return to the Fleece pub in Otley by about 13.00 and we hope you will stop and chat at the end of the ride!

Both our Gentle and Stretching rides are doable on a mountain bike, hydrid or road bike – #AnyBikeWillDo. And we welcome e-bikes on any ride.

If the rides below aren’t what you’re looking for check out our B Rides, Intermediate Rides and A Rides options on Sundays. And we have informal rides on Wednesday nights and Thursday daytimes. And that’s not all – we also have Mountain Bike rides, Mountain Goat rides (for roadies who like hills) and many more informal member-only rides posted by members on the Facebook group.

We’re always looking for ride leaders, so if you’re interested in leading one of these rides get in touch via the event on the club Facebook Group or email: otleypresident@gmail.com

Gentle Ride: Harewood (18 Miles)

Mainly flat roads with a gentle climbs through the Harewood Estate where you may see deer, red kites and highland cattle Please bring cash fpr the coffee stop!!

Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/30554882

Cafe stop: Muddy Boots Cafe, Harewood

Stretching Ride 1: Rounday (28 miles)

This interesting route will take you along roads you are unlikely to know in our quest to find you some fine snacks and coffee at Roundhay Park. The route begins with a gradual climb to Surprise View – with recommended stopping places to admire the views! From Surprise View you get a trip along Millionaires Row to see some quirky architecture choices! After the café stops the rides will return to Otley via Eccup reservoir and an exciting descent of Black Hill – make sure your brakes are in good order for this ride!

Route – https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/10894269

Cafe Stop – Tropical World Cafe

Stretching Ride 2: Thorner (30 miles)

This relatively flat 30 mile route goes through Pool, Bramhope, Eccup, Alwoodley, Shadwell, Thorner, Scarcroft and returns to Otley on a similar route as far as Eccup, but then descends Black Hill Lane and onto the Arthington-Pool Road.

Route – https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/12191782

Cafe Stop – The Post Box Deli on Main Street in Thorner (slightly off the route). This cafe has a fantastic “hidden garden” to the rear with plenty of room for cyclists and their bikes, but there’s very limited seating inside so if it’s a wet day keep the group going here small!

Strenuous Ride: Wilsden (26 miles)

This route takes us out of Otley towards Hawksworth and Bingley so is a great opportunity to explore roads a bit of a way from Otley. There are plenty of steep hill climbs so this ride is perfect for developing your climbing skills both ascending and two steep descents into Bingley and on the return leg to Saltaire. The return for this is of course the fantastic views!

Route – https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/12160572

Cafe Stop – Potting Shed Restaurant, Woodbank Nurseries

The post Social Series half-day rides – Sunday 23 February appeared first on Otley Cycle Club.


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