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Personal Loans for Single Mothers & Other Sources of Financial Aid


Financial emergencies can be especially tough on single parents, but there are a number of loan options single mothers can consider. From personal loans to federal aid, money is available to single moms to cover a wide range of expenses, even if they have bad credit.

The post Personal Loans for Single Mothers & Other Sources of Financial Aid appeared first on LendEDU.

Single moms have a tough job, and there are a lot of them out there taking on this responsibility. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 23% of children under 18 live with single mothers.

Raising a family alone and on one income—which is sometimes limited—is challenging even during the best times. But when unexpected expenses pop up, that can be a disaster. During these tough times, a personal loan may be able to help a single mom facing a challenging financial situation. 

In this guide:

Where to find personal loans for single moms

Personal loans aren’t the only loan option available to single moms, but they do provide the most flexibility as they can be used for a wide variety of purposes.

Being a single mom doesn’t have any direct bearing on which lenders you can borrow from. What it does affect is your credit score, income, and financial history. With a good credit history and stable income, you’ll have your pick of the best personal loan lenders.

With a not-so-stellar credit history and finances that are stretched thin, you may need to turn to a fair or bad credit lender. 

Looking for the right personal loans for single mothers? We’ve outlined a few of the best personal loans below.

Loans for single moms with good credit: LightStream

Lightstream logo

LightStream offers personal loans to borrowers with good-to-excellent credit histories. Its quick application process means you might be able to receive your money the same day you apply, and its low interest rates and limited fees make it a very strong option for those who qualify.

Here’s what you need to know about LightStream’s personal loans:

Lender info:

  • LendEDU rating: 5.00 / 5.00
  • Credit score: lightstream-perl-40-mincreditscore
  • Loan amounts: lightstream-perl-40-amountlowlightstream-perl-40-amounthigh
  • APRs: lightstream-perl-40-alllowlightstream-perl-40-allhigh
  • Full review: LightStream Personal Loan Review

Loans for single moms with fair credit: Marcus


For single moms with fair credit, Marcus by Goldman Sachs offers personal loans with competitive interest rates. A Marcus personal loan comes without any fees and has flexible repayment terms. But you’ll need to have an income of at least marcus-perl-56-minannualincome to qualify.

Here’s what you need to know about Marcus’ personal loan:

Lender info:

  • LendEDU rating: 5.00 / 5.00
  • Credit score: marcus-perl-56-mincreditscore
  • Loan amounts: marcus-perl-56-amountlowmarcus-perl-56-amounthigh
  • APRs: marcus-perl-56-alllowmarcus-perl-56-allhigh
  • Full review: Marcus Personal Loan Review

Loans for single moms with bad credit: OneMain Financial

OneMain Financial Logo

OneMain Financial is a personal loan option for people with bad credit. OneMain Financial doesn’t specify a minimum credit score, rather it looks at the entire application to determine if you’re eligible for a loan.

Unlike many other personal loan lenders, the entire process cannot be completed online. But if you start your application online, you’ll need to visit a OneMain Financial office to provide additional documentation. 

Here’s what you need to know about OneMain Financial’s personal loan:

Lender info:

  • LendEDU rating: 5.00 / 5.00
  • Credit score: Not disclosed
  • Loan amount: onemainfinancial-perl-51-amountlowonemainfinancial-perl-51-amounthigh
  • APRs: onemainfinancial-perl-51-alllowonemainfinancial-perl-51-allhigh
  • Full review: OneMain Financial Personal Loan Review

How we rate single mom loans

LendEDU rates personal loans based on the weighted average of multiple data points, which vary by the credit category of each lender. You can learn more about our methodology here.

Other types of aid and loans for single moms

Personal loans are a great option for many situations because they are usually unsecured, meaning you’re not putting your personal property on the line should you not be able to pay it back.

However, there may be specific situations when a personal loan isn’t the right answer. Here are some other loan options to consider: 

Home loans for single mothers

If you’re trying to purchase a home for your family, you’ll need a mortgage loan, rather than a personal loan.

A mortgage uses your home as collateral for the loan, which means you’ll get lower rates than you would on a personal loan, but if you’re unable to make the loan payments, the lender could foreclose on your home. 

Just like with personal loans, single mothers are eligible for the same loans as everyone else. If you have the credit and income required by a lender, you can qualify for the loan.

But if raising kids as a single parent has put an extra strain on your finances, a traditional mortgage loan might be out of reach. Luckily, there are a number of first-time home buyer programs that can offer assistance:

  • FHA loans: FHA loans are designed to make home buying more affordable for middle- and low-income first-time homebuyers. 
  • VA loans: VA-approved lenders offer mortgages with no down payment loans for military members, veterans, and their surviving spouses.
  • USDA loans: USDA loans offer mortgages with no down payment for eligible home buyers in rural areas.

Even if you’ve owned a home in the past, you may still be able to qualify for these loans if you meet income limits and haven’t purchased a home in the past few years. 

Federal grants and non-profit aid for single moms

A loan isn’t always the right answer. If you’re having trouble paying rent, buying groceries, paying your energy bill, or covering a critical medical bill, you might be able to find help without taking out a loan. 

Federal aid is available through a number of programs to help you make ends meet and provide the basics your family needs. These programs can help you pay for food, find and pay for housing, get medical insurance, or receive reduced-cost childcare.

Aside from Federal aid, there are also charitable organizations and state and local assistance programs that can help you get the support you need.

You can learn more in our guide to programs that offer help for single moms.

Educational aid for single moms

Support isn’t only available for your living costs. If you are trying to get an education to further your career, there are options for aid outside of traditional student loans.

You can also apply for a number of scholarships available to help single moms continue their education. These scholarships can help ease the financial burden of paying tuition, taking time off work, and hiring childcare. You can read more in our guide to scholarships for single moms

Important questions and considerations

To make the best decision about your loan options, there are likely other important questions that you need answers to. 

The post Personal Loans for Single Mothers & Other Sources of Financial Aid appeared first on LendEDU.


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