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Join The Team: Sales Assistant for the Mussio Sports & Entertainment Group


The Mussio Sports and Entertainment Group, which includes variety of sports teams and an entertainment division, is seeking an energetic, outgoing individual to fill … Continue reading Join The Team: Sales Assistant for the Mussio Sports & Entertainment Group

The post Join The Team: Sales Assistant for the Mussio Sports & Entertainment Group appeared first on Nanaimo Clippers.

The Mussio Sports and Entertainment Group, which includes variety of sports teams and an entertainment division, is seeking an energetic, outgoing individual to fill their Sales Assistant position, who will report directly to the General Manager.  We are looking for someone with an upbeat personality and passion for interacting with the public.


Responsible for the development, sales, and management of various advertising and sponsorship opportunities with emphasis on season tickets packages, group tickets, and special event sales.


  • Meet or exceed weekly, monthly,and long-term sales goals in the areas of advertising and sponsorship with an emphasis on season tickets, group and partial-plan ticket packages.
  • Identify new business opportunities and actively prospect and research new sales leads.
  • Create and maintain relationships with area companies, individuals,and groups to sell advertising and sponsorships, with an emphasis on season, group, and partial-plan ticket packages to a variety of corporate prospects via the phone and face-to-face presentations.
  • Maximize all internal media assets including emails, social media, etc. to drive revenue and registration for programs.
  • Plan, coordinate, and implement various marketing and ticket sales strategies, including promotion, pricing, distribution, and product development.
  • Increase profitability of ticketing programs through financial analysis and market research, and subsequently incorporate new revenue generating marketing programs.
  • Establish and maintain all budgets relating to ticket sales, with an emphasis on cost reduction and revenue maximization. Meet or exceed budgeted goals.
  • Assist at games and other special events with supervision and delivery of promotional functions as required.
  • Work within a team environment to develop and achieve common team goals.
  • Assist with other duties as required, including but not limited to ticket or sponsorship sales and service, staff training, digital media content creation and distribution, and support of the hockey operations department
  • Other duties as assigned


The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability requirements.

  • High level of motivation with a desire to be successful.
    •    Initiative and ability to work independently;.
    •    Attention to detail, substantial organizational skills and ability to handle several projects at once.
    •    Assertiveness, competitiveness and commitment to the sports industry.
    •    Excellent customer service, communication and interpersonal skills.
    •    Proven written and presentation skills, including the ability to speak publicly.
    •    Strong computer skills, including ability to develop and manage a customer database.
    •    Creative and innovative team player with co-operative attitude.


This could be a part-time or full-time job depending on the candidate.

If interested in this position, please forward all resumes to: tali@nanaimoclippers.com

The post Join The Team: Sales Assistant for the Mussio Sports & Entertainment Group appeared first on Nanaimo Clippers.


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