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The Walking Dead fans unearth ‘lazy’ Andrea wardrobe malfunction as bra goes rogue in season 3 scenes


IF you thought wardrobe fails were restricted to the red carpet, think again. In the run up to the return of The Walking Dead next month, fans have been re-watching old seasons. Proving that they’re truly eagle-eyed, they’ve uncovered all manner of inconsistencies and plot holes with the power of hindsight. These range from walkers […]

IF you thought wardrobe fails were restricted to the red carpet, think again.

In the run up to the return of The Walking Dead next month, fans have been re-watching old seasons.

The Walking Dead
Andrea’s grey top changed from shot to shot

Proving that they’re truly eagle-eyed, they’ve uncovered all manner of inconsistencies and plot holes with the power of hindsight.

These range from walkers running and showing intelligence in earlier seasons, rather than limping as they do now, as well as issues with the use of cars considering the way petrol degrades.

However, the latest blunder is decidedly more light-hearted in nature.

Viewers clocked that Andrea’s (Laurie Holden) grey top moves around all over the place between shots in the same scene.

The Walking Dead
Fans took to Reddit to call out the inconsistencies

The garment shifts between on and off the shoulder on multiple occasions, exposing her bra strap.

Taking to reddit, user ToSeaogh posted a picture illustrating the gaffe and moaned: “Notice her shoulder, this happens about 2-3 more times.”

Fellow social media users were quick to chime in with their own thoughts on the matter.

“Ooh, good catch. Continuity errors always make me feel smart for noticing them but a little mad that they were too lazy to fix it,” one wrote.

Another was more sympathetic, writing: “During filming actors do the same takes multiple times while filmed from different angles, then during the editing they will mix up those shots and it will seem like everything was done at once.

Andrea proved to be a ferocious fighter

the walking dead andrea
In the comics Andrea and Rick embark on a romance

“Because of that it’s almost impossible to keep details like that intact since there could even be long breaks between takes.”

While a third joked: “Just one more reason to hate Andrea.”

The furore comes after the trailer for the second half of season 10 sparked widespread speculation about upcoming story-lines.

These include Rosita and Eugene embarking on a romance, baby Coco being abducted and an Alexandrian rising from the dead.

The Walking Dead will air on FOX in the UK on February 24 and be available to stream on NOW TV.


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