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Новости за 24.06.2024

Amazon MGM Studios Wins Fevered Auction For ‘Murder 101’ Based On Podcast; ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’s Jon Watts Developing To Direct


EXCLUSIVE: Amazon MGM Studios has landed the package Murder 101, with Jon Watts attached to direct. Watts will also produce alongside Dianne McGunigle and KT Studios’ Stephanie Lydecker. This follows a brisk auction last week that had numerous studios in the fray. The film forms its basis from the true story that unfolds in the KT Studios’ and […]

New study demonstrates the efficacy of a promising celiac disease drug at the molecular level


A recent study investigated whether a transglutaminase 2 inhibitor has potential as a drug to treat celiac disease. Previous tissue studies have shown that the ZED1227 transglutaminase 2 inhibitor prevents gluten-induced intestinal damage. The results of the new study, based on an analysis of the molecular activity of more than 10,000 genes, provide very strong evidence that the first successful drug to treat celiac disease may be at hand.

Removal of excess chloride ions by plants when subjected to salt stress


Researchers have discovered a salt adaptation mechanism in plants that facilitates chloride removal from the roots and enhancing salinity tolerance. A research team has uncovered a novel mechanism of plant adaptation to salt stress involving the NaCl-induced translocation of a specific chloride channel protein, AtCLCf.

Researchers engineer AI path to prevent power outages


Researchers developed an artificial intelligence (AI) model that could help electrical grids prevent power outages by automatically rerouting electricity in milliseconds. The approach is an early example of 'self-healing grid' technology, which uses AI to detect and repair problems such as outages autonomously and without human intervention when issues occur, such as storm-damaged power lines.

Ozempic and Wegovy's untapped potential for addiction, anxiety, and depression

Boing Boing 

Weight-loss medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are getting more popular as effective weight-loss drugs. Now doctors and patients are discovering unexpected brain benefits too. According to New Scientist, semaglutide-based drugs, which imitate a gut hormone called GLP-1, are showing surprising potential in treating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, addiction, and even neurodegenerative diseases. — Read the rest

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How cells boost gene expression


The function of non-coding RNA in the cell has long been a mystery to researchers. Unlike coding RNA, non-coding RNA does not produce proteins -- yet it exists in large quantities. A research team has now discovered an important function of antisense RNA (asRNA): the researchers found that asRNA acts as a 'superhighway' in cell transport and thus accelerates gene expression.

Homeland Security Committee probes gaps in DHS vetting

The Washington Times 

The House Homeland Security Committee is demanding to know the names of the border crossings where the government says it's too busy to check the identities of all the people coming across in vehicles.

Standardized protocols help hospitals treat strokes faster


Research illustrates that American Heart Association and American Stroke Association guidelines are effective at speeding up hospitals' response times for stroke treatment and can be mastered even by members of 'ad hoc' medical teams that assemble rapidly on the fly.

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В Китае стартовали масштабные гастроли Мариинки

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В воскресенье в Пулково задержаны 10 рейсов

Study examines acceptability of teleneurology across neurological conditions


One of the first studies to examine patient acceptability of teleneurology and determine factors influencing acceptability across neurological conditions, has found teleneurology was highly acceptable across the full range of patients with different neurological diagnoses, including headache, movement disorders and other neurological symptoms and diagnoses. The study also determined that the more medical complexity -- having additional diseases -- was associated with increased patient satisfaction with teleneurology. Читать дальше...

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