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Yes, They’re Coming For Kids


Trans activists, aided by doctors, legal system, and YouTube, are devastating families

Via 4th Wave Now, a politically nonpartisan web resource for parents and others resisting the trans cult, here’s a seven-minute video by “Jack,” a young girl, who claims to be a 13-year-old boy. If that kid is 13, I’m the Lord Mayor of Murti-Bing. If she was younger than 13, she would be forbidden by YouTube’s rules.

Watch the video. The girl, who says in earlier videos on her YouTube channel that she wants to be a trans YouTube star, talks in sickening detail about “packers,” or fake male genitals that some FTM (female-to-male) transgenders wear in their pants to look more masculine. She’s playful and charming. It’s sick.

In this clip from mid-December, the playful scamp confesses to having stolen her father’s credit card to buy a second prosthetic penis (this one with fake testicles) over her personal smartphone — and speculating about using the device for masturbating. Needless to say, this is NSFW (says the child below: “I mean, tell me it isn’t awkward to be like, ‘Mom, can I get a packer, can I get a silicone d*ck… ?'”):

If you’re interested, here is a link to this kid’s YouTube channel. There’s a short clip in which she interviews her mother, asking her to comment on what she (Mom) thinks about having a trans kid. The parents are into it, apparently. This child is a middle schooler at best. Kids like this have followers on YouTube. Over the weekend at a conference, I was present when a priest spoke about a family he used to minister to whose young daughter got drawn into this insane world through watching YouTube clips like these. Now that family is living a nightmare. Another priest told me that in his relatively small parish, there are several parishioners having to deal with this in their families. It boggles the mind.

Please, parents, if your kids have smartphones, take them away. If they don’t have smartphones, don’t give them one. You have to learn to say no. Talk to them about what they’re hearing in school, from the teachers as well as from their classmates. This is the real world, the world that you will never hear about in the news media, which is entirely celebratory. This stuff is all abstract, until you see a beautiful child, like the one in the videos above, saying the things she says, and doing it with her parents’ knowledge and blessing.

I strongly urge you to read 4th Wave Now’s Twitter feed, which contains screenshots (with names blacked out) taken from a private Facebook forum for parents of trans children. So many people are in total denial about the crazy evil of this stuff, including parents completely abdicating common sense and responsibility — often being egged on by medical authorities. For example:




Here are a couple of screenshots from parents whose female daughters are having problems with breast-binding, which is standard behavior for girls trying to be boys:




Here’s a screenshot from that same supportive parents FB group in which a mom’s penis-having “daughter” has a problem that mom can’t solve:



Here’s a link to that “Reportable trauma” story. More from that thread:

You have to understand that not only does the medical community support this kind of child abuse, but the legal community is working to make it possible for these children to be taken out of the homes of parents who say no to transition. The Toronto Star reports:

Courts have ruled in favour of a teenager who wants medical treatment in his gender transition, despite the opposition of his father, in a ruling that grants trans kids more legal rights and protections.

Last month the B.C. Supreme Court ruled that a teenager, with the support of multiple doctors and health-care workers, can start hormone therapy even though his father thinks he’s not mature enough to make such a decision.

The father appealed the decision on March 4.

Legal experts say the decision will have an impact on the responsibilities of parents by altering family law. It means parents need to respect their kids’ chosen gender, pronouns and name. It also sets a precedent for transitioning youth across the province, suggesting that seeking medical assistance is a health decision and not a political or moral one that a parent can stop.


The ruling has significant implications for how we define child abuse, according to trans rights lawyer Adrienne Smith.

Because of the ruling, “misgendering a person, using the incorrect name for them and trying to persuade them not to undertake gender-affirming care are forms of family violence, and that’s really important,” Smith said.

In other words, if parents misgender and reject their kid for being transgender, that could constitute emotional abuse, for which they could be reported to authorities.

Read it all. Refuse to call your daughter “he” and buy her a breast binder and a silicone penises, and she can call Child Protective Services and ask to be taken out of the home. This is British Columbia today. It’s coming here if we don’t stop it.

Don’t expect doctors to help you either. From one of 4th Wave Now’s readers:


Why are politicians not speaking out about this? Why are they so afraid? Why does it fall to websites and Twitter feeds like 4th Wave Now to tell the truth?



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