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HAPPENING NOW: Atiku at Chatham House, speaks on his plans for Nigeria's development


Former vice president Atiku Abubakar at Chatham House in UK on Wednesday, April 25, delivered a speech on how to get Nigeria working again. Atiku has urged Nigeria's government to follow the example former president Obasanjo.

- Atiku has called for a cultural revolution in Nigeria

- The former vice-president said he would introduce new economic measures which will help in sustaining the country

- He also said he would open up the north hinterland by dredging some Rivers in the region

Former vice president Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has revealed how he would manage the economy of Nigeria if elected president in the coming 2019 general elections.

The former vice president said this on Wednesday, April 25, while speaking at Chatham House in London, United Kingdom.

Atiku who lamented the state of Nigeria's debt profile said he would introduce new economic measures in order to encourage states to become self-reliant.

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“I particularly want to thank Nigerian nationals who are present here today. Your love for Nigeria is evident in that you have left your regular pursuits to be here to interact with lovers of Nigeria. Your presence inspires me.

“The question now is, why are we saddled with a heavy and almost unsustainable debt burden twelve years after President Olusegun Obasanjo and I provided the leadership that paid off Nigeria’s entire foreign debt of $32 billion in one fell swoop? #GetNigeriaWorkingAgain #CHAfrica

“My idea is for the introduction of Matching Grants to be taken from the revenue accruable to the Federal Government for the purpose of matching IGR of each state in order to encourage states to become self-reliant.

“I will make certain rivers are dredged to open up the hinterlands of the north. Licenses would be given to state governments to begin immediate exploitation of resources in their jurisdictions," he said.

Going further, he said: “There has not been a year in the last twenty years that I have not set up a new enterprise to employ Nigerians. The latest being that we brought the Chicken Cottage franchise to Nigeria which will be creating direct and indirect jobs all across the country.

“If we want Nigeria to succeed, we must break with the misguided notion that the Federal Government, or the president, knows best, and that no one else can be trusted," Atiku added.

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“When I talk about restructuring, I am not talking about just constitutional tweaks, I am talking about a cultural revolution. It is not about re-shuffling a few responsibilities or resources, but about disrupting the authoritarian politics our democracy has inherited.

“These are some of the ways I believe Nigeria’s states can improve their capacity, increase their revenues & better manage their local economies which are critical to safety, prosperity & welfare of all Nigerians and will allow my homeland to realize its true potential.

Meanwhile, NAIJ.com had reported that a youth group supporting former vice President Atiku Abubakar said that it would open a bank account to enable its members raise funds from volunteers to buy the 2019 presidential form for the Wazirin Adamawa regardless of the political party platform on which he wishes to run.

2019 Presidency: Nigerians reveal why they prefer Atiku to President Buhari - on NAIJ.com TV:

Source: Naija.ng


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