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Bethenny Frankel Is Suing Ex-Husband Jason Hoppy for Full Custody of Daughter Bryn


The fallout from Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy‘s divorce isn’t over yet.

The Real Housewives of New York City star is suing Hoppy for full custody of their 7-year-old daughter, Bryn, PEOPLE confirms.

The news comes less than two months after the exes reached a resolution in the harassment and stalking charges she brought against him after he was arrested in January for allegedly threatening her at Bryn’s school.

A spokesperson for the New York District Attorney’s confirmed to PEOPLE on Oct. 23 that Hoppy agreed to a plea deal involving a family adjournment in contemplation of dismissal in court Monday.

In accordance with the ACD, Hoppy must comply with Frankel’s order of protection for six months, at which point the case will be dismissed. Per the SkinnyGirl mogul’s order of protection, Hoppy must have no communication with her, and must stay away from her home and place of business.

“We are pleased but not at all surprised that the charges were dismissed. It’s clear from the trajectory of this case that her claims were not substantiated or credited, and the motive was questioned. Mr. Hoppy looks forward to moving on with his life and his daughter,” his attorney Alex Spiro said in a statement at the time.

Frankel and Hoppy, both 47, announced their split in December 2012 after three years of marriage and months of rumors that the two were on the rocks. Frankel began the proceedings by filing for divorce in January 2013, and their divorce was finalized in July 2016.

The Bravo star has long been open about her struggles throughout the lengthy and bitter divorce proceedings, telling PEOPLE in April 2016 that it had “gone on way too long.”

“I feel like I’m on the 18th hole of the golf round now. I feel like we’re here,” she said at the time. “I feel like I survived something. When it all shakes down, I’ll be a woman who has not kind of just felt backed into a corner. I stayed strong and I did what was best for myself, my daughter, for women.”

On an episode of RHONY in May, Frankel was brought to tears while discussing the “torturous” divorce.

“I don’t know why I’m being punished this way,” she said. “My custody situation is over, my financial settlement is over, my apartment is sold, and yet I sometimes feel hopeless. And I sometimes feel like my ex is untouchable and I’m not going to be able to get out of this.”

During the season 9 reunion in August, she broke down in tears about the “torment and torture” she said she’s had to deal with “every single second” since their split.

Among the many revelations in her candid conversation on the reunion show, Frankel said that the only thing that would free her from Hoppy’s alleged torment would be to move forward with a “zero contact” solution.

“Any resolution is legally mandated, and I’m fine with that,” she told host Andy Cohen. “I don’t care what happens, I have faith that somehow I will be able to live a normal free life. But it has to be with zero contact. Because with any contact, this will not end.”

However, Frankel insisted Bryn wasn’t aware of what was going on between her parents.

“ very pure and innocent and happy and she doesn’t really understand what a reality television show is, much less the things talking about,” Frankel said. “It’s extremely advanced and complicated. I live in a house alone with my daughter when I have her. So there’s no pressure at all. She’s very isolated in her life and she’s very happy.”

“I’m definitely at my happiest when I’m with ,” she added. “She is the sweetest, nicest person. Just going to the beach. The simple things in life. Those are the happy moments.”

Page Six first reported that Frankel is suing for custody.


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