
Jada Pinkett Smith says 'being a mother wasn't easy' but her kids Willow and Jaden made it 'worth it'


"Raising children, I don't care who they are, that's challenging," Pinkett Smith said on the latest episode of "Red Table Talk" released on Wednesday.

jaden smith jada pinkett smith willow smith january 2019
Jada Pinkett Smith shares kids Jaden Smith and Willow Smith with her husband, Will Smith.
  • Jada Pinkett Smith said "being a mother is challenging" on the latest episode of "Red Table Talk."
  • The actress said that her kids, Willow and Jaden Smith, "have been the greatest gift in my life."
  • "I would say being a mother wasn't easy, but it was worth it," she added.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Jada Pinkett Smith tearfully opened up about motherhood and raising her two children, Willow and Jaden Smith, with husband Will Smith.

On the latest episode of "Red Table Talk" released on Wednesday on Facebook Watch, Pinkett Smith gathered with cohosts Adrienne Banfield Norris (her mother) and Willow in celebration of her 50th birthday, which took place on Saturday.

During the episode, the "Girls Trip" star answered video questions submitted by her celebrity friends. One such question came from "Black Panther" star and longtime friend Angela Bassett, who asked: "What has been the most difficult thing for you to overcome?"

After Pinkett Smith said that she's "overcome so many difficult things," Willow said that her favorite example was seeing how her mother raised her and Jaden.

"We were not easy children," the star said.

In response, Pinkett Smith said: "You actually were."

Pinkett Smith married Will in December 1997 and the couple spoke candidly about their wedding day on a previous episode of "RTT."

Jaden was born in July 1998 and Pinkett Smith gave birth to their second child together, Willow, on Halloween 2000. Their blended family also includes Trey Smith, Will's son from his prior marriage to Sheree Zampino.

trey smith jada pinkett smith willow smith will smith may 2019
From left: Trey Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Willow Smith, and Will Smith in May 2019.

"Raising children, I don't care who they are, that's challenging," Pinkett Smith on the latest "RTT" episode. "Being a mother is challenging because you sacrifice a lot. But I'll tell you what, sacrificing for you guys was sacred."

Pinkett Smith went on to explain that there's "a difference between sacrifices that actually empower your life, versus sacrifices that steal life," and that she had to "learn the difference between the two." She also called her kids the "greatest gift in my life."

"You guys have been an amazing treasure for me," Pinkett Smith said as she cried and Willow got up to comfort her.

"You guys have been so loving and supportive," she added. "You guys just see me, you and Trey and Jaden, all three of you see me, you really do, through the toughest times. I would say being a mother wasn't easy, but it was worth it."

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