Small Heath Alliance

Новости за 17.04.2018

RIP TWIGGY (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Massive blue died last night believed to be a heart attack, gonna miss you buddy x

Joe Hart (17 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Feck me. He's finished. Appalling goalkeeper

The Power of Positivity (no replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Maybe it's all a load of hippy guff but there is a school of thought that believes thinking positively can produce more rewarding results in your life, and conversely negative thinking promotes disappointment. It makes sense to me but then I have hippyish, peace and love tendencies.

Regardless, it can't hurt to be positive for three games. We all have our fears and worries over the outcome and we all react differently. Last night I was irked by what were some differing views to my own and let the child in me resort to name calling. Читать дальше...

The Power of Positivity

Small Heath Alliance 

Maybe it's all a load of hippy guff but there is a school of thought that believes thinking positively can produce more rewarding results in your life, and conversely negative thinking promotes disappointment. It makes sense to me but then I have hippyish, peace and love tendencies.

Regardless, it can't hurt to be positive for three games. We all have our fears and worries over the outcome and we all react differently. Last night I was irked by what were some differing views to my own and let the child in me resort to name calling. Читать дальше...

Big Gamble (29 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Paddy Power reporting a massive gamble believed on two horses tonight at Tramore with punters steaming into the double.

Tornado Watch (17:50)
Sunday at Augusta (19:50)

Horses were 16-1 and 50-1 respectively last night, now best priced for both is 2/1 and 3/1.

I know nothing about the horses in question, but there may be a few Grand National winnings from some of you lot burning a hole in your pocket. Could be worth a cheeky tenner.

Yesterday and today on SHA (20 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

What with the relegation threads and the Commonwealth Games thread, there’s been plenty of spleen-venting on here in the last 36 hours or so.

The faux-rage is entertaining to begin with, but it does get a bit tiresome eventually, doesn’t it?

I predict a period of super-optimism in the next few days just to balance things up.

And then 24 hours of middle of the road common sense.

Yeah, like that’s going to happen.

RIP TWIGGY (14 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Massive blue died last night believed to be a heart attack, gonna miss you buddy x

Morning or Evening person? (7 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which are you?

I’m definitely a morning person. Never been one for lying in bed much prefer to be up and busy.

Re: 2pts or game in hand?

Small Heath Alliance 

I would be very happy to be in reading’s position, they would have to lose every game and 3 teams below would need 4 4 & 6 points to overtake them.

Re: Shaving preference

Small Heath Alliance 

Ok so how are people getting on now with their new razors??

I’m really impressed with the Trumpers shaving cream. It lathers up so well and seems to help the razor glide well. The scent is good as well.

The razor needs a bit more practice but I’d expected that.

Morning or Evening person? (4 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which are you?

I’m definitely a morning person. Never been one for lying in bed much prefer to be up and busy.

Is Monk actually that good? (55 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Yes he got a couple of lucky results, but we seem to be stuck in a rut again.

I did say he would face the same problems SC did.

I can see Monk leading us to relegation.

Morning or Evening person? (2 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Which are you?

I’m definitely a morning person. Never been one for lying in bed much prefer to be up and busy.

Morning or Evening person?

Small Heath Alliance 

Which are you?

I’m definitely a morning person. Never been one for lying in bed much prefer to be up and busy.

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RIP TWIGGY (12 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Massive blue died last night believed to be a heart attack, gonna miss you buddy x

RIP TWIGGY (11 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Massive blue died last night believed to be a heart attack, gonna miss you buddy x

Joe Hart (15 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Feck me. He's finished. Appalling goalkeeper

Is Monk actually that good? (53 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Yes he got a couple of lucky results, but we seem to be stuck in a rut again.

I did say he would face the same problems SC did.

I can see Monk leading us to relegation.

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