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What would it take for United to lose supporters en masse?


Not trying to start a flamewar. Just legitimately worried. Hear me out before you get all up in arms.

Our problem is club ownership. Not temporal thing that can be fixed in several years, not a bad manager, not bad squad, or any of that. We have club ownership that has proven to be absolutely hopeless and completely uninterested in us winning, as long as their wallets do well.

Case in point: we are still in Champions League, still in very tough fight for top 4 (next year's Champions...
... Читать дальше...

Raith Rovers Controversy


I imagine this is something which isn't in the news currently as much as it is up in Scotland.

For anyone unaware it concerns the recent signing by Raith Rovers of David Goodwillie from Clyde. In 2017 he was ordered to pay damages and ruled to be a rapist in a civil case for an incident in 2011 while he was at Dundee United. It was settled in this way as prosecuters stated that there wasn't enough evidence for a criminal trial.

His signing at Clyde also caused controversy but... Читать дальше...

Woodward and Fergie wanted Giggs as manager


I just finished watching the interview of David Lyon’s (author of Fergie's latest auto-biography). He explained lots of behind the scenes untold stories but most shocking to me was that Giggs was supposed to succeed Van Gaal. This was decided by Woodward and the board and told to Fergie. Van Gaal was told his remit and knew from the start that he would handover to Giggs. Giggs was told he was going to be the next permanent manager too.

I remember hearing Van Gaal in an post match interview...
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Murtough, Fletcher & "Manager" dynamic


Where do each of these guys currently sit in the chain of hierarchy? Who's accountable to who and do you imagine that changing if we get a new manager?

It feels a bit strange, that we have a director of football but the guys who are apparently calling the shots on Solskjaer's future are the likes of Woodward/Arnold. Now to a degree, this could just be because we had to create a role for Murtough without looking like we were installing someone above Solskjaer in the hierrarchy (i guess thats...

Murtough... Читать дальше...

Which teams fans don’t support their players?


Who’s got the worst fans in terms of showing support for their own players?

United have to be up there. Every year there is a player picked as the reason for all failures and that narrative continues till the player leaves or dies. We turn on players as quick as they leave. We seem to reserve our hatred for home grown players more than players bought.

is it just that I am on this forum? Are other teams fans the same on their forums?

If only had I won


I had thought of creating this thread in the past but had stopped playing drafts, so didn't get the motivation to create.

The idea of the thread is fairly straightforward. More often than not we are a couple of reinforcements away from creating that perfect team or theme we had imagined. But some draft Lord like Gio or Enigma eliminates us before we can make those reinforcements and the dreamland is never reached.

Post your eventual idea that you had in mind after you get eliminated... Читать дальше...

Which are the best/worst run clubs in the PL?


Just saw a shortlist of candidates for the Everton job: Martinez, Rooney, Kovac and Lampard. Add to that another year of expensive transfer mistakes and it seems some clubs just never seem to learn from their mistakes.

Who do you think are currently (as in: last 5-10 years or so) the best and worst run clubs in the league, given their budget, history and expectations? Here's my choices:

1) Leicester: absolutely brilliant long-term planning, loads of great transfers... Читать дальше...

Do City leave you cold?


The always excellent Ken Early has put himself in the firing line recently by saying that City leave him cold. He just can’t bring himself to get any enjoyment out of their undoubted excellence.

I’m the same. I just don’t care about them. I should hate them and every goal should be a knife through my heart but it’s all just “meh”. Their football is amazing. Probably the best the PL has ever seen. But it’s all about establishing total and utter dominance. Which ruins games as a spectacle...
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Managers and Players Draft


Managers and Players Draft

All Time Pool, 2 drafts in 1

1. Firstly every drafter selects 16 players who have ever managed, this forms their managers team
2. Every player then forms their players team by selecting 16 players who have played under the management of any player in their managers team. This is defined as any player who has played in an international match or been in a major tournament squad (World Cup and continental championships such as the Euro's) under that... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Кыргызстанцы завоевали медали на международном турнире по танцам в Москве


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Вторая ракетка Казахстана опустилась в чемпионской гонке WTA


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Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

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Сводный оркестр Мариинского и Большого театров приедет в Екатеринбург на Пасхальный фестиваль

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